Night out

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Arriving home, it was around 6:00 and Jotaro dropped you off at home so you could change, he left to run a quick errand.

Getting inside the house, you walked to your walk in closet. You smiled.

"Still can't believe this is my life! Y/n you really did a score on this one... how the hell did you get so lucky?" You asked yourself as you looked for the perfect dress.

After 20 minutes of trying, changing, taking out a dress after another, you finally found the perfect one.

This dress you thought it was perfect for tonight's dinner

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This dress you thought it was perfect for tonight's dinner.

It was so classy, so sexy, so perfect.

Headed back down the stairs you passed by the kitchen table.

You saw the bright light pink letter from a friend named Nora.

You stared at it for a while, but then grabbed the letter and left it up stairs underneath your side of the bed.

Quickly going outside to meet Jotaro, you can tell you really wowed him with this outfit.

Seeing him from the driver seat, you did a quick spin for him just outside the door.

You can see him tip his hat in the car.
You smiled and got inside the car.

"So, like my outfit?" You asked.

"It looks good on you" he said. You smiled and let him drive.

Soon he pulled up to a fancy restaurant with a long line.

"Woah, I wonder how long we have to wait" you said as you saw the long line just to get in.

"Don't worry about it, we don't have to wait at all" he said.

Pulling up into the parkings, he parked the car and got out of the car.

Going around the car he opened the door for you.

You smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek as he helped you out.

"Thanks hun" you told him.

Leaving the parking lot, you and Jotaro walk side by side, cutting the whole line.

"Woah, did you see that man?"

"Yeah, there's no way a girl like her is with him"

"She must be rich if a guy like that is with her"

You over heard girls.
Your self esteem dropped.
Did you really look that bad? We're you not good enough for him?

Jotaro over heard the girls.

"Shut up you bitch! I don't ever want to hear you talk about my fiancé like that ever again!" He yelled.

The sound of his voice when angry made your legs feel weak.
Strangely enough you where attracted to his aggressive side.

Jotaro wrapped an arm around you and the two of you continued to cut the line.

The girls quickly shut up after that.
You blushed at the fact he defended you like that.

"Thank you..." you said softly.

"You're amazing y/n, I'm willing to do anything for you... even if it means I need to be aggressive" he said.

You blushed madly. You loved him so much.

Soon getting in front of the line, Jotaro gave out his last name to the person and looked for the name on his clipboard.

"Ah, Mr. Kujo, your table is ready for you" said the man as he let the two of you in.

Getting inside, you had your table set.

On your table you saw candles and your favorite flowers in a small vase as the centerpiece.

Jotaro pulled the chair for you and pushed you in.

Soon a girl came for your orders.
As you ordered your dish, Jotaro asked for a drink and a 'special'.

The girl agreed and left with the order.
Soon a young man came by with a bottle of cold whine and filled your cup same as Jotaro.

"So, how did we meet?" You finally asked Jotaro.

"We meet in high school, but we officially started being friends in college" he said.

"Really? What college did we go to?" You asked.

"It was a university filled with many talented students, you where one of them" he said.

"I wonder how you asked me to marry you" you said looking down at the promise ring.

At the corner of your eye, it seemed Jotaro was angry, though it might have been just the way he looks.

You sighed deeply.
"I wish I could remember the day you proposed to me" you said playing with the small ring.

"Don't worry, you will" he said with a smile as he held your hands in his.

You smiled back and bit your lower lip.

"So how did we start dating?" You asked him.

He seemed to think about it for a bit, as if trying to find a way to word it.

"It's strange the way it happened, we were just friends one day, it didn't seem anything too serious, nothing out of the ordinary..." he said. You noticed he held his glass of wine a little too tight.

"then suddenly you turned out to be taken" he said, his grip on the glass tightened so much that the glass started to crack.


"Here is your special sir!" Said the woman that took your order earlier.

"Perfect" said Jotaro.

As the woman put your plate of food down in front of you along with Jotaro.

He stood up and went besides you.

"Y/n, I know you don't remember, but that's why we are here... to create new memories... the two of us" he said as he pulled out a small box.

He got down on one knee and showed a big diamond ring.

"I know to you it's been a day, but I've waited so many years, waiting patiently to finally say this to you" he said

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"I know to you it's been a day, but I've waited so many years, waiting patiently to finally say this to you" he said.

"Will you marry me?"

You where in shock.
Because your lose of memory, this is the first time anyone had proposed to you.

You felt tears wanting you build up.

"Yes!" You said.

Jotaro smiled softly as he removed the promise ring and replaced it with the new big one, making it official.

He was now truly your fiancé.

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