Making friends

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As I walked to my new room I felt a strange sort of happiness, but it felt different? I tried to ignore it and before I knew it I actually found my way to my room. The door was golden with a golden label that said,

(Y/N) (L/N)'s room.

"Wow, so fancy." I said in awe. I couldn't wait to check out the inside of my room. I walked in with all of my stuff ready to get started unpacking. I sat my stuff on the bed, changed my clothes into a comfy sweater and stretchy pants, then started to unpack everything. I hummed a tune that I thought was awfully catchy. The room was done and when I saw it all it looked so complete. Then I heard a knock at my door, it was Skye checking up on me. I opened the door and she asked me almost as soon as I opened it, "hey bud! How's it goin-" in mid sentence she looked fascinated at my room. "You like it?" I asked her. "Oh my gosh! It's so cool!" Said Skye excitedly. "Oh no, I totally got distracted about your room that I forgot to tell you that me and Tina were gonna watch a movie! Wanna join us?" Skye asked hopefully. "Well, I have nothing better to do so... why not?" I replied. " Yes!" She said enthusiastically. She dragged me by the wrist and took me to the break room. She threw me onto the black leather couch in front of a large screen television. "Yeet!" She said while throwing me. "Skye that meme is dead." I said to her. "It will never die!" She replied. 5 hours later it was 10:00 at night and me and Skye got a bit tired. "You guys tired already?" Tina said. "Yea! How aren't you?!" Skye said angrily. "It takes years of staying up and watching movies past midnight to get to where I am." Tina replied. The next day I woke up in my room a little bit confused. The first thing I heard was a knock at my door. I panicked knowing I wasn't ready and I jumped out of bed. "Just a minute!" I said panicking. I quickly got ready by doing my hair into a bun, I wore a black tank top with ripped jeans. I opened the door to see Midas just standing there looking off to the side staring at nothing. He noticed I opened the door and he said "Oh, good morning (Y/N)." He said gladly. "Oh hello Midas!" I said back. "Why am I in here after last night? I was in the break room wasn't i?" I asked Midas curiously. "Oh I carried you in your room." Midas said blushing a bit. "I tried waking you up but you were out so I had to." Midas said. I started to blush a bit thinking about how he carried me. "Are you okay darling?" Midas asked me. "Darling?!" I thought to myself. "Oh, yes of course sir!" I replied. "Well I'm going to be in my office so if you need me that is where I will be sweetheart." He said. "Okay, thank you." I told him in response. Later I headed down to the break room to see Skye absolutely passed out on the sofa, while Tina was still awake. "Wow Skye must be really tired huh?" I asked Tina. "Oh my god she was so tired last night. After you fell asleep she stayed up for about 2 more hours and well, I looked over at the screen to watch an epic fight scene. When I looked back over she was out." I giggled at what Tina told me. "Yea, Midas told me that he carried me to my room last night." I told Tina. "Yes I saw it. It was absolutely adorable! He just walked in and saw you asleep, picked you up bridal style and smiled at you then walked off! He didn't even look at Skye being asleep too!" Tina said a bit shocked. "Well i just came down for a snack to hold me over until breakfast, want anything?" I asked. "Nah I'm good." Tina responded. All of a sudden Midas came into the room and he smiled when he saw me. "Everything alright girls? Please wake up Skye soon I forgot to tell you we have a meeting soon." Said Midas. "Gotcha."  Tina said relaxed. Midas left the room and as Tina was shaking Skye she said "I have never seen Midas act so happy before with anyone. Yea newbie's soften him up but you actually made him smile. That's a rare sight coming from him." Skye woke up eventually and yawned while rubbing her eyes. "Did I miss anything?" Skye said sleepily. "Only the best ship in the world. Midas was smiling around (Y/N) and he carried her bridal style!" Tina said happily. "WHAT?!" Sky said seeming suddenly awake. "Shut up guys!!!" I said blushing. "All agents please report to the meeting room, I repeat all agents please report to the meeting room." I heard on the intercoms. Everyone had rushed to the meeting room and sat down. 2 hours went by talking about shadow and what they might be planning. It was so boring but I payed attention anyways, I think I did it to make Midas think I was helpful though. After the meeting was done everyone walked back to their rooms, glad the meeting was over.

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