Strange thoughts

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After about 20 minutes of everyone being in their rooms or offices, it was time for breakfast. Thank god that breakfast exists cause I was very hungry even after having a granola bar or 2. Everyone sat at the table and ate. But I was a little bit confused about these strange feelings I've been having about Midas. Why did I feel so happy thinking about him? Why did I blush when I found out he carried me? I think I started to get it but I didn't want to face it. "He is literally my boss!" I thought to myself. "And besides, it's not like he would like me back anyways." I told myself disappointed. "What's the matter?" Skye asked me with a mouthful of pancakes. "Oh it's nothing." I said with a small blush. "Hmm, oh my god is that a blush?!" Skye asked excitedly. "What? No..." I mumbled. "Hmmmm... alright then." Skye said disappointed. After I was done I walked to my room puzzled, again, because of how I felt towards Midas. Of course I didn't want to believe it but I couldn't just run away from it. I had to tell him soon.

Midas POV

I was in my office after breakfast thinking about how stupid i was to call (Y/N) darling. I wondered why I did that because I knew everything happens for a reason. I know how much she makes me smile and I knew I was in love. "No, no this is not right, I am her boss after all." I thought to myself. "Why would she even like me? She seems so sweet and thoughtful." I said out loud. Before I knew it Meowscles was knocking on my office door. I opened the door and said "hello?" "Heya boss." Meowscles said not so serious. "You've seemed clawfully, happy, lately." Meowscles said curiously. "And why would you assume that agent Meowscles." I said seriously. "Well, you have been smiling a lot and I've seen you blus-" Meowscles cut himself off in the middle of a sentence. Meowscles started chuckling and giving me a "I know what is going on" kind of face. "You like that new agent, agent (Y/N) riiiiigggghhhht?"
Meowscles said smirking. I immediately started blushing. "I knew it! you do love her don't you!" Meowscles said excitedly. "Fine I must admit I have had feelings for our newest agent (Y/N)." I said looking down blushing. I stared at him dead in the eyes with a serious look on my face. "Do not tell anyone. Understood?" I told him. "Understood M." Meowscles replied. "Welp I'm gonna be leaving meow. That's all I wanted to talk about, see you later." Meowscles said relaxed as he left my office. I was still worried he was going to tell someone even thought I basically had just declared death on him if he did. Of course I would never do that to one of my top agents, especially Meowscles. The worst I would do is scold at them and fire them.


I made it back to my room and I practiced in the mirror how I was going to tell him. "Hey Midas, I know this may seem super crazy but for a while now I've really liked you and I was wondering if maybe you could be my boyfriend?" I said nervously mumbling. "No no that's so stupid! He is too amazing to say yes to something that dumb." I said angrily looking down. "Hello sir! Wow the view is so great tonight. Just like you M." I stared into the mirror for a few seconds. "UGH!! this is hopeless!!!" I yelled slamming my hands onto the vanity. I heard the slamming sound echo in my room. I was hoping no one else heard that. I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and I was Tina looking concerned. Skye was behind her. "Yo, you okay? We heard yelling and slamming noises coming from your room." Tina asked me. "You sounded angry..." Skye said afraid. "It's okay I'm fine guys. Just a bit upset. I'm okay now that you guys are here though." I said smiling. "Well okay then. We were actually already on our way here to ask if you wanted to hook the switch up in here and play Mario Kart with us." Tina told me. "I would be glad to beat you guys again!" Tina said teasingly. "HEY! I could beat you right now!" Skye said with a confident tone in her voice. "So, how about it?" Tina asked. "I really don't want to right now. How about we play something more calming, like animal crossing?" I said excitedly. "Sure! I already brought my switch with me so I'm set up." Tina said. "Well I'm going to get my Lite! Be right back guys!" Skye said running down the stairs to her room. "Well mine is in my bag let me get it." I told Tina. On my way to my vanity to grab my bag, I remembered how I was going to ask Midas out tomorrow. I started sweating also remembering it was 8:00 PM. I tried not to focus on that at the time and thought about how we are going to stay up as late as we can and talk about our villagers, whack each other with nets, and have plenty of fun. "I'm baaaaaaaack!~" Skye said with her yellow Lite in her hand and the game in the other. We got set up and joined each other's islands and had a blast. Skye fell asleep first, around 10:30 is when she started to doze off. Of course Tina stayed up all night. I lasted until 1:45.

It was the next morning and I was ready to just collapse again. Everyone was up by 10:00. Tina got up and said, "I'm gonna change and then I'm gonna be at the breakfast table. If you two want make it to breakfast I suggest getting up and getting ready." She was right, I got up and put something a bit fancier on. I put on a short black dress, knee High white socks, and black dress boots. But there was one more thing I could not forget to put on. I put my rose necklace from my best friend who passed away. The chain was a beautiful silver with a pink rose in the middle. I went to breakfast after getting the rest of the look prepared and afterwards, it was beautiful.

Oh my gosh I'm so SO sorry for not posting!!! I've been so lazy and I just wanted to chill out lol. Stay safe please please please PLEEEEAASE! I don't want mah precious peeps to get stung or get sick or anything! Have a good weekend/week, whenever your reading this! love y'all!!!🤍🖤🤍🖤

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