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Nico is searching for old clues that might allow him to connect with his non-celestial mother's side of the family, when he discovers his mother's connection with an old friend from an unlikely town.


It wasn't an easy decision.

The son of Hades didn't necessarily want to leave camp behind, and yet, he felt it right to do so.

When Nico had shadow travelled out of camp, with not a single location in mind, he felt weirdly at peace. A feeling he hadn't felt in years, decades, I suppose.

No nonsensical conquest where he'd outweigh the odds of dying on some generically sinister rhyme given by an eccentric red head, or living a baseless life for celestial beings that didn't sympathise for their own children, watching as they died; over and over again. Beings that were uncaring and used their offspring as pawns in age old games. A hopeful final goodbye to the prophetic dreams that plagued his nights and made him question his meaningless existence.

Despite the seemingly normal teenage [demigod] angst about what post-teenage life would be like, him leaving didn't mean that he wouldn't miss his friends (his wacko extended family/mind the incest) while he went away, he was definitely going to miss seeing their faces daily. Even more so, he would miss their incessant banter that stemmed from the dark humour that is their life, and the easy atmosphere he felt when surrounded by likeminded individuals.

Considering the gods were possibly as old as millennia's, you would think that they would be somewhat more sophisticated, instead they embodied overpowered bratty toddlers.

I mean, they quite literally started civil wars over relationship drama.

But leaving camp wasn't quite uncommon in the group, as of late.

After the atrocious second Titan war that left a shite ton of psychological damage, most of the gang drifted towards different directions in life, seemingly preparing for their beautiful adulthood. Especially, now that they had an actual chance to it, since most of their childhood was lived under the expectancy that they wouldn't make it past their teens. Most went back to school or some form of higher education (a certain daughter of Athena moving onto brighter pastures) whilst others made permanent residence in one out of the two assorted camps: Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-blood.

Now that there was - finally - a mutual peace accord, people were able to freely make their choice of where to stay, regardless of their original station. Some Greeks found themselves longing for a more structured life that actually promoted future careers within their own borders, coupled with a more stable social economic system; whilst some Romans found that they preferred the more spontaneous lifestyle of the Greeks - how Camp Half-blood was much more inclusive of other (lesser known) gods, other than the main war seeking Roman ones. Not only did many decide to leave their original upbringings, but many also decided on having convenient 'vacations.'

There exists a large group of people that happen to switch between either camp, and others that decide to have a weekends visit everyone once in a while in order to meet up with different companions.

Nico just needed space, 'is what he had told himself.'

Will had spent Nico's last week in camp, or so, trying to persuade Nico against leaving. Nico found all of the subtleties adorable but refused to waver from his original decision.

Such a strong boy.

And after a lot of unavoidable arguing, they had both compromised to regular meet ups and constant updates on each other's livelihoods.

Young Gods [Nico Di Angelo x The Vampire Diaries]Where stories live. Discover now