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Nico gets caught up in the Mystic Falls drama and willingly gives aid. The people in Mystic Falls seem to have a shared theme for the dramatics and exercise it almost daily.


'It's tough to be a god.'

There were many moments in life where Nico had decided that life was nothing but a literal fucking nightmare. Exhibit A — when he had to come to the realisation that his sister had died and then later finding out his sister had decided on being reborn, making their parting much more permanent than a son of death would imagine, exhibit B — when he faced his father's disappointment at one of the lowest points in his life, and he was once again incomparable to his sister, exhibit C — when he had to suffer in a near death like state, trapped in a cage above a fucking fire pit.

That spiteful day, it was Sheila lecturing him on why he was so incompetent as a human being.

"You do not understand! We have traditions to uphold. I had hoped that your arrival would be beneficial for Bonnie, but I have come to realise that you are just as inexperienced and just as clueless as to what us witches must uphold."

"It's not like there's an instruction manual," he huffed frustratedly. "Why do you think I came here in the first place??"

Sheila's eyebrows tensed.

"Look, Nico. I'm not even sure how I'd go about mentoring you! Necromancy is a type of magic that is rarely ever used and rarely ever perfected. For good reason!"

"I DON'T NEED LESSONS," he blurted out.

Sheila stared him down. "What do you mean?"

Nico looked to the floor, a slight guilted expression taking over as he showed to be hesitant in discussing the situation. And yet, he knew, with perfect clarity, that informing her of all that had passed would be most beneficial to the both of them.

"Nico. Have you, or have you not, previously dealt in necromancy. Unsupervised?"

"Maybe," he dejected.


Bonnie was found to be extremely busy throughout that entire week, especially with the complexities of her friend group finally coming to light.

The supernatural abnormalities proved dangerous, but she refused to sit idle as her friend's livelihoods were at risk. As such, she did her best to fulfil the token role of the 'helpful witch,' performing simple spells which perfectly exemplified the magnitude of her power; despite the many witches that are undermined by other supernatural beings — you should never underestimate them.

Take that instance.
Nico was arguably quite well dressed. Despite the large eye bags and pale face, he did well to present himself when it came to special occasions; namely date night, parties, birthdays, and holiday festivities. He had considered himself to be in an entirely new environment, one that he'd have to get used to if he wished to become a permanent resident, to keep face is quite the hard maintenance when you're inner personality is that personified of a literal roasted marshmallow — or an eternally burning one.

Sheila took great interest in making sure he looked the best he could, even going as far as taking him to get his hair cut. Which one may add, had a large impact on his entire outlook. Gone was the knotted wavy hair that was uncontrolled in every which way; it was thereafter that he suited healthy combed through hair that fell around his face in neatened, fluffy curls - he had finally rid himself of those decade built split ends.

Young Gods [Nico Di Angelo x The Vampire Diaries]Where stories live. Discover now