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Nico shouldn't get his hopes up about normalcy, the fates planned otherwise.


It wasn't until after rescuing Elena that Nico finally absorbed the reality that his life was never to be anything but peculiar and odd.

Still, in comparison to what would be expected of him as a child soldier back in New Rome or Long Island, he preferred the antics that occurred in Mystic Falls over the turbulent quests, designed to end in tragedy for all those involved.

The Greeks did love their tragedy, and they bore them ever so well.

Compared to his day to day life during the wars, the turmoil in Mystic falls surrounding these Grimm creatures, and sexually confused youths, it seemed somewhat underwhelming; less fatal than the Scooby group would typically make it out to be.

What a small world they live in, that the minuscule oddities within a rich suburban town continue to shatter their realities; unlike Nico who had quite literally fought to save all of human, and godly existence, in his youth.

In all honesty, he never fought for the gods or for humanity; originally he had fought to be alive, for his sister, and after her death, he lived for the sole purpose of her revival and revenge - after all, what is the world compared to that which you love.

One of his larger mistakes, he must admit in his old age, was unveiling his powers in front of two centurion vampires that retained god complexes over their lifetime.

After much thought and unending analysis completed by Nico's hyperactive brain, he came to realise that Elena's death was simply bound to be, and rescuing her at that point would not have provided any reprieve in her destiny, a plan unchanged by the fates themselves.

"So Neeks, my man!" Ew.

After the ordeal with Elena, Nico had been purposefully (unsuccessfully) avoiding the problematic Siamese twins. He limited contact with Bonnie outside the house, became wary of public spaces and avoided ghosts of the proceeding areas; any popularized venues were completely out of bounds, it was a useless goose chase that Nico played, one that was just as predestined in failure.

"What do you want, you annoyance," Nico had replied grouch-fully.

"Ouchhhh," Damon snide-fully remarked. "Testy, testy, testy," he frowned playfully, invading Nico's private space further and further. "And I thought after our last adventure, we were best buds! Right, buddd?"

Eye roll.

"You disgust me," Nico sneered, bored of Damon's useless chiding.

"You wound me with your words!" Damon laughed off.

Damon reminded Nico of someone, perhaps of Jason and his playfulness, or Percy and his laid back attitude that distracted everyone from the hectic-ness of it all, both absolutely confident in their own capabilities as the prized prodigal children. Damon was similar to them, that nature of being positive in their own divinity. Nico had never felt surefooted in any of his actions, playing dice with his life at the end of poker table attended to by the passive - Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

Damon snaked an arm around Nico's shoulders, grasping tightly as to not give him levy to escape, a tense threat flitting about the air, a sly one permeating all of Nico's triggers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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