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Chapter 1:  


"Stop it!" I yell at my best friends, Sharmin and Zach as they try to beat me at Mario Kart. Sharmin passes the finish line. I glare at her, leaving me at 3rd place.   

      She laughs. "Slow poke!" I shake my head and stand up. I'm going for a walk. You guys have beat me about a million times!" I walk up the stairs to the second story of my three story house.  

Grabbing my jacket, I jump down the stairs, two at a time.      Zach waits for me at the bottom, his blue eyes shining behind his black hair. I smile and lead the two out the door. "I'm happy for you two," I say, after only recently finding out they were going out. Sharmin smiles.    

I run my fingers through my blonde hair. "Sometimes I wish I had brown hair..." I say. I turn around so I can walk backwards and see the couple. "Be careful Kris! Don't run into any trash cans!" Zach warns. I grin. Why would I do that? I think. 

But instead of running into a trash can, I run into someone I never expected to see again...

Harry Styles.    

Authors Note:

I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short. I wrote it last year.

I promise that they will get longer and more interesting! Promise promise promise! Please keep reading, as it would mean so much to me!!



Back For You |A Harry Styles Fanfic|Not finished, but in the process!|Where stories live. Discover now