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I thought I was asleep. 

I thought Harry was right beside me.

I thought that everything was okay.

I was wrong about everything. 

I wasn't asleep. I was wide awake. The room was a wreck. dust was everywhere. The bed wasn't even there anymore. I felt like I was in the Wizard of Oz.. Nothing was right. Harry wasn't beside me anymore.  

No one was here.

I wanted to kill myself, right there. I had never told anyone about what I used to do when Harry was gone... I didn't want to be judged. I looked at my wrists. One try Kris. That's all it takes.... I stood up and looked around. There had to be something sharp around the mess of an apartment. 

I got up and walked down the hallways. Everything was scattered. As if the tornado had come through it. Walking out the door I felt cold air hit my face. What was going on? 

I looked around. People were on the ground. Some were holding each other. But they were all crying. I walked up to what they were all looking at. That's where I saw two of the people I loved most. 

Zach and Sharmin. They were holding each other. Neither of them were breathing. I sank to the ground. What had I done...? I killed my best friends. I crawled to them, laying beside them as I cried my eyes out. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Niall Horan. "Come here love," he whispered. I sadly nodded. He helped my up. "What?" I asked him. He motions for me to follow. 

We end up in an alley. The same alley Harry and I had been in earlier. Now Louis, Zayn, and Liam were there. I blink. "Where's Hazza?" I ask, my voice breaking. 

Liam bits his lip. "Kristina... Harry's missing."

Back For You |A Harry Styles Fanfic|Not finished, but in the process!|Where stories live. Discover now