Thunder Strikes

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We pull apart. I look down, smiling. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I nod. Suddenly storm clouds come in, ruining the perfect sky. Thunder booms and I scream. Harry holds me tight. I whimper. He kisses the top of my head. "We'll get home," he promises.

We stand up and quickly head for shelter. Rain pours down and lightning flashes. So much is happening and I don't even know where we're headed. Thunder booms again. Harry pulls us into and abandoned store. 


I'm sitting at the kitchen table in a small apartment. A little boy is walking outside the window, trying to find a place to come in. A storm is going on outside, and in the process a tornado is being formed. I start to cry as the funnel hits the ground. My parents rush to me to pick me up. 

At the last second, I see the little boy being swept up by the tornado. He's gone forever...


I was crying. Harry kisses my forehead. "Everythings okay..." he whispers in my ear. I rest my head on his chest, trying not to think about it. Sirens start to go off. I whimper again.

Harry sits me down on the cold ground. "I'm going to go make sure everythings okay with this place. I'll be right back love." He says getting up and leaving me. 

After he's in the next room, I stand and move towards the window. Then I see them, Zach and Sharmin, running outside. I start bawling. "Harry!" I shout, opening the door. 

Before I know it, Harry has my hand and we're running after them. "Sharmin!!" I scream. They stop and turn around. "Kristina!" I look around. A funnel cloud isn't even a mile away. "COME ON!" I scream again.

We all ran to the store. Only to find one thing wrong.

The door is locked.

~Authors Note~

I hope you guys like it so far! I love leaving people off with an ending like these. I love writing too.(: Sorry I haven't updated. I've been working on school and stuff. I'll update as many times as I can today! 

Back For You |A Harry Styles Fanfic|Not finished, but in the process!|Where stories live. Discover now