Chapter One

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Stiles POV

I am done with this crap. The only person in that pack who has any respect for me is Allison. Maybe it's because she's also a Shadowhunter. Maybe it's because she's my Parabatai. I don't know. But there's one thing for sure. She is my best friend.

I have done nothing but help this pack. What do I get in return? Nothing. I get patronized, and beaten down for saving their lives. I don't deserve this.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up a certain name on my contact list.

Stiles - Hey I need a place to stay

Izzy - Why what happened? Who do I need to beat up?

Stiles - No one Iz but can you come pick me up please and don't tell Alec. I don't want my 'friends' dead

Izzy - You know Stiles you are too nice for your own good

Stiles - Yeah yeah I know. So can you come pick me up or not

Izzy - Yeah I'll be there tomorrow. Does Allison need a ride too??

Stiles - I don't know. She likes it here. She probably won't want to leave here

Izzy - You know she'll leave to be with you in a heartbeat. She's your Parabatai

Stiles - I know plan for two but there might only be one

Izzy - I got it see you soon little bro and I'm telling Alec

Stiles - No

Stiles - Izzy don't do it

Stiles - Izzy are you there

Dang it. Alec will kill them. Not for the hard choice though. Do I tell Allison I'm leaving or do I just sneak out the back?

I don't think I should tell her, but I have to. If she found out that I left without telling her then she would kill me. So I pulled out my phone and pressed the call button. She picked up within two rings.

A - Hey Stiles what's up

S - Come over

A - What why? I'm with Scott right now can it wait

S - Fine. I'll just call you when I'm back in the institute with my siblings then

A - WHAT!!! I am coming now and if you leave I will come kill you even if it would cause me a lot of pain since I am your Parabatai

I hung up the phone and went to my closet. If you looked in there all you would see is plaid flannels and some Star Wars graphic tees. That's all this Stiles would wear. If you go further into my closet though you will see that my closet it mostly filled with leather jackets and black and grey shirts. I have my black pants but those are in my dresser. Guess it's time to pack then.

I grabbed all 6 of my leather jackets and put those into the left side of my suitcase. From there I grab my 7 grey shirts and my 9 black shirts. Yeah the color black is a big thing in my family.

Crap I almost forgot the shoes. I ran back to my closet and grabbed my vans, my Chuck's, and my black Nike's. Now I think I'm ready. Too bad Izzy isn't coming til tomorrow. My stele and my seraph blade are in my backpack. In there I have my weapons, my stele like I said before, and my electronic stuff.

I was zipping up my suitcase as I was tackled. As soon as the attacker flipped me over I saw that it was Allison looking incredibly angry.

"How could you think about leaving without telling me!??!?" She screamed as she sat on top of me.

"Ally I was.."

"No you so not get to Ally me right now. We're Parabatai. Just like Alec and Jace are. That isn't going to change. You can't just not tell me things." She looked seriously so sad. It made me feel really bad.

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