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I just hit 5k you guys!!!! I know these are the most annoying chapters but I will stop of you ask me to. I just get so excited when I go up a thousand reads and all I want to do is thank you guys. I just happen to be the thank you kind of person. I say it for everything.

But really thank you for getting me this far. This is my highest read story that I have posted which surprises me because this was the one story I thought no one would read.

Also thank you to all of the people that have been asking for new chapters and just showing constant support towards my story. It means more than you know to me, especially all the comments saying I wrote a great story and you love the way I wrote things, or that I'm good at this which are things I would absolutely never say about myself ever.

We are halfway now to 10k and I can't wait until we get there.

The next chapter will be up soon and I'm excited for you guys to read it. Also the end of the story is getting closer. Only a couple more chapters left of this story. But first I've got to wake Stiles up.

Well anyway thanks again.

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