Chapter Twenty One

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Stiles POV

Everyone was staring at me only a couple people were missing. Magnus, Raphael, Scott, Simon, Clary, Isaac, Lydia, and....Allison. Okay maybe there were more people missing then I thought but still. There were a lot of people around me right now. There was Alec, Izzy, Jace, Theo, Liam, Melissa, and my..... my mom.

"Stiles.." Izzy started as she came closer to me, but I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"What's she doing here?" I said the word she with so much venom that almost everyone took one step back, or Liam took two, but he's short, so that means shorter legs. Anyway we're getting off track.

"I'm here because your sister called me and asked me to be here for you." Oh. She is not even here for me, she is here because Izzy called her here. Jace, Alec, and Izzy are the only ones she's ever carried about.

"You aren't even here because you care about me are you?!" I practically yelled. She moved her hand towards me in sort of a comforting motion but I violently flinched away from it and fell out of the bed and getting tangled in wires.

They all of course moved to help me but I just swatted all of their hands away.

"Just leave." I got out my voice breaking.

"But Stiles...."

"I SAID GO!!!" They all respected my wishes and left, so I just curled into myself and cried.

Theo's POV

I stopped in front of Lydia's room. When I walked in she was awake and flipping through the tv stations.

"Hey Lyds." I said as I poked my head in through the door. She saw me and smiled as she turned the TV off.

"Hey Theo. I wanted to see you guys, but they wouldn't let me. They also told me that Isaac and Stiles are here too. And that Stiles is in a coma. How is he by the way? Oh and how's Isaac..."

"Woah Lydia that's a lot of things to say at one time. Isaac is still unconscious, but Stiles literally just woke up..." Before I could say anything she bolted out of bed and was holding herself up on the wall in literally two seconds flat.

"Lydia you can't be out of bed..."

"Take me to him."

"But Lydia..."

"I'm sorry Theo did you not just hear me?! I said TAKE ME TO HIM!!" Wow she was honestly pretty scary when she was passionate about something. I guess I had no other choice but to take her to Stiles.

I had to literally carry her on my back and the doctors kept giving us weird looks. Especially Melissa who even went as far as to try and stop us, but Lydia gave her one look that had her stopped in her tracks.

Once we walked into Stiles room we saw him pulling his shoes on as he was already dressed He took one look at Lydia and made his way over to us. He wasn't even halfway there when Lydia jumped on him. He looked really weak and he was definitely still really pale, so he went falling to the ground. I took this as my cue to leave.

"Well I'm just going to go if....yeah bye." I said awkwardly and left the room.

Lydia's POV

Wow. He really did look weak, well let me rephrase that. Not exactly weak, but not exactly strong either.

"Where are you going? You should be in bed. You just woke up from a coma." I scolded him. All he did was laugh though.

"Well you're not exactly in peak shape right now either Mrs. Martin." My hand went to my heart with fake shock which caused him to laugh again.

Then he kissed me. We stayed like that for a minute before I got up off of him.

" are you going to tell me where you're going Stiles?" He sighed and helped me onto the bed where he sat beside of me.

"Lydia I'm going to find Allison. I know exactly where she'll be and I know exactly how to stop her." I had to replay that part in my brain like five times before it actually processed. He was going to try and take on Allison alone.

"Stiles. We can't take her all by ourselves. She's stronger than us right now." This time he sighed as he stood from the bed.

"That's why we won't be taking her." He then punched me and I fell into the bed, as darkness consumed my vision.

Stiles POV

I really didn't want to do that, but I had no choice. This is something only I can do. If the others knew what I was about to do then they wouldn't let me do it.

I placed Lydia in a comfortable position and made my way towards the only window in the room.

Before I actually left though I figured I had to leave some clue as to where I was going so I grabbed my blade from the hospital chair next to the bed and carved three images into the floor.

The last one was a little hard to draw but I managed to do it.

I was going to the bridge you take to get out of this dumb town.

Once I was outside on the ledge I activated my stealth rune and started climbing the bricks that were stuck out of the building until I reached the top. I took a deep breath and processed what I was actually doing before I grabbed my seraph blade which was somehow still in my right hand.

When they did find out what was going on and whar I was doing Alec, Izzy, and Jace were going to be ticked. I don't know why but all I could think about was my mom and what she thought of me. I shouldn't be worrying over her though. She doesn't deserve the satisfaction of my worry.

Allison Argent beware.

I'm coming for you

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