Part Two

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Leo's parents didn't believe him when he claimed his phone had disappeared in the middle of the night. They told him it was the storm; the bright flashes of lightning and deep rumbles of thunder that spooked him enough to forget where he misplaced the gadget, but Leo knew he wasn't insane in what he believed.

The phone was in his hand, patiently loading a new adventure game he had just obtained, when it slipped from his hands and fell into the small dip between his bed and his wall. Leo searched for hours after that, even going so far as to push the bed frame back and run his hands along the smooth surface of the paint-chipped wall, but to no avail. The only piece of evidence to prove his theory was an unnoticeable dent of the hardwood flooring that led up to the side of the wall, and even then, the proof was substantial at best. Leo's parents didn't believe him, and that was all there was to it.

With that being said, Mr. and Mrs. Green were not entirely cruel to their only child, and took the next day to buy a new phone, much more updated than the last, to gift over to Leo in pursuit of his happiness. Their plan was a success, and while the teenager kept his expressions to a minimum on a daily basis, this was cause for an overjoyed smile and countless 'Thank Yous' throughout the day. Leo, with his new phone in hand, went to his room that night with the intent of scrolling through his favorite social media app without consequence, but was caught off guard by a single direct message looming in his notifications.

Leo had many online friends, Elijah and Skip being his main group, but this account had an aura about it that left him questioning whether or not he should answer.

The Bio was left clear, with a black profile picture and not a post to his name. The only evidence of an actual person behind the screen was a single username that left Leo confused: MyNameIsSam.
It seemed 'Sam' did not understand how usernames worked. Regardless, it almost made Leo crack a smile at the thought of someone so clueless when it came to something as simple as social media, and so he took to answer the strange direct message that piqued his interest.

MyNameIsSam: hi.

nucLEOnic: what's up?

Not even a moment later, Sam responded with what almost seemed to be a prepared response, seeing as it was almost impossible for someone to type the fast in such a short amount of time. It was almost as if Sam had planned on Leo responding, which Leo found bizzare and a little too creepy for his liking.

MyNameIsSam: how was ur day?. I'm bored and thought I would try and reach out tostrangers for fun .

nucLEOnic: isn't that a little dangerous?

MyNameIsSam: i live for danger.

Leo snorted at that, the simplicity of the response was enough to grab his attention and keep up the conversation for a bit longer.

nucLEOnic: LOL. What's with the no pics on ur profile?

MyNameIsSam: I don't need them.

nucLEOnic: guess not, still it's pretty weird. Most guys have at least a pic of their car. Or a pfp at the least.

MyNameIsSam: whats pfp? And I don't have a car.

nucLEOnic: pfp means profile picture. And same, my parents don't think I'm responsible enough, but id love a jeep when I get older.

Unbeknownst to the teenager sitting on his bed, pillows propped up behind him as he typed away at the screen, the nonhuman was having a midlife crisis from behind the wall of Leo's bedroom. It was one thing to talk to Leo, but it was another thing on its own to pretend like he was just as human as the rest of them. Sam didn't even know what a Jeep was, but critical thinking and a smart brain in his head came to the conclusion that it was a sort of car. Sam had never been in a car before, but he knew the basics from the humans that lived in the house before. Something about 'gas mileage' and 'tire pressure' and a whole bunch of other words that flew right over his head (which was not hard at his stature) came to Sam's mind as he continued pressing on the buttons containing a letter. It took multitudes of force and eons of sweat to pound away at every sentence, but he was interacting with Leo, and it was worth it.

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