Chapter 2

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Anna's POV :

I finally entered the basement and saw almost everyone, that's is actually an improvement because it is now a fact anything we all go for any holiday at all, we always loose almost half of the class but we also keep on increasing so it is a lose-win, right??. It was the first day but no one was talking, the room was graveyard silent. We might all seem to be friends just because we have one thing in common, 'disabilities' but we are not in any way friends, we never talk or lay games or do anything. We just go to school and come back, that is the main reason, why I don't have friends or would never have one in the nearest future, let alone boyfriend. Because when you are in my situation, it is the wheelchair or friends but you are not allowed to pick anything apart from the wheelchair. But someone said something, I think her name is Erika, I think. "Hi everyone, it has been a whole summer but now we are here all together again in this creepy basement, but this time at least we get some time to ourselves because the rats haven't come back from their own break": She said and as expected no one laughed, I actually felt bad for her and I really wanted to laugh, but laughing isn't really my kind of thing so as smiling. There is just never anything in my life to smile about, is it the fact that instead of having friends to talk to, I talk to myself, or the fact my own parents, o.k. foster parents hate me and anything that has to do with me, or the fact that my future is me sitting in a wheelchair my entire life, if I keep on mentioning I want finish in the next one hour (seriously). After I finally set up my table to get ready for class, I decided to think of a new idea to paint,(Yeah, I do a lot of painting but not like all the beautiful sunny paintings or the dark side paintings, I am just in the middle of both, I paint on facts and my present position, I am not one of the people who believe things can ever get better because I know it can't. I am going to end up graduating from a basement to a place where I don't even know how they treat disabled people, so obviously I am going to die soon, really soon, back to the real life, please), when Mrs. Mollens turned on the microphone to make an announcement, "Hello student B's(she calls us student B's so she can differentiate us from the rest of the school), you will not be having Mr. Marshall taking you for English classes anymore because he had resigned, he doesn't want to teach people with no future, so we have decided to hire a new teacher but she would only resume on Wednesday, so for now English period is free period for you": she said to us. We have up to four English teachers but I am sure it is because none wanted to teach us, that is why she went to hire a new staff and we still pay school fees so it's our right to that at least. I was also very happy to hear Mr. Marshall has quit because he was just the worst person ever, instead of teaching he will give us what he calls 'advice', that is the main reason why we always reduced number at the end of a term, and also I have free periods for two days now, more time to think of my new idea.

At The gym

Tiffany's POV

"It's finally cheer auditions, hope everything is set Rachel": I asked Rachel quietly so one would hear us. "Yes, I had asked the janitor to wax the floor, just as you asked me too, but why wax, we always just mopped the floor so they could fall because there weren't balanced, isn't waxing a bit too much and intense, they might end up getting hurt, and people might find out the truth":Rachel said to me. "The more intense it is, the more fun it would be to watch, so just sit back and relax": I replied Tiffany who seemed scared and that could make her ruin my whole plan. "I hope we are not going to land someone in the hospital because I can't take all that guilt": She continued. "We might but you don't forget something, who brought you here and who took you to this level without me you will be nothing so stop feeling pity and go tell my friend Bev there, that we should start the auditions I can't wait anymore": I ordered Rachel, who immediately went over to Bev and asked her if we could start.

Bev's POV

After Rachel came to meet me I decided to start the cheer auditions but first I had to give a speech to the people auditioning for the cheer team. "Hello everyone, I am the captain of the cheer team, Beverly Miller, BTW I know you guys already know who I am but it is just good for me to be formal, yeah and also this is Tiffany Smith, the assistant cheer captain and also my best friend so for those who would make it, if you don't see me feel free to meet her, I think that is all you need to know so let's get started": I said. "O.K., first batch it is your turn, you all should also be aware that out of thirty of you we are picking eight, so give it your best, also don't forget to break a leg": Tiffany said to them, just for one student from the audience to raise her hand. "Looks like we got ourselves, the first question, go ahead ask": I said to the girl raising up her hand. "I actually just wanted to ask if we dance in groups at first, then personally or we dance only in groups": She asked. "In groups only, we need to see how well you work in groups, that matters a lot, so first batch, group A come out and show us what you got,":I said so they could start. But it didn't start so great, and I didn't know what the problem was because they couldn't get their feet to balance on the floor which is unusual because we used the gym for practicing for any pep rally and sometimes we even have the pep rallies in the gym, so it didn't make sense, the reason why almost everyone of them kept on falling down but it seemed, like it was only me who noticed so I kept my cool and didn't say anything. Until the routine had ended and the needed to form their pyramids, when they got in shape, few seconds after the people under began to lose balance so they all came crashing down. I quickly stand up to see how they were doing, just when I saw Tiffany laughing under her teeth, trying not to make it seem obvious that she was laughing. I just ignored her and went to them, they were not so injured but they needed first aid treatment so I called Nurse Nelly from the school's sick bay and then she got the janitor to help her take the students to the sick bay, after that I asked the janitor to help check the gym floor for any problems because it hadn't ever done like that in any o their cheer practices. So he went to the gym to check it out, and after some minutes, he told me, that he remembered someone had asked him to wax the floor, because cheer auditions where holding tomorrow, I didn't know it was today. So all I got from it was that, one he waxed the floor and that's why they couldn't balance and two we couldn't have cheer practice again in the gym today, which is bad because we need to start practicing for cheer championship auditions on Thursday (yeah so close), it is happening during the school pep rally, a representative is going to come and watch us live and we'll also send the tape for our audition after the pep rally, and I couldn't afford to lose another day but what could I do, I just had to tell the rest to go home cause that was where I was also heading to. When I walked over to the benches in the gym, then there I had someone phone ring but what took my interest was the ringtone, Show me what you got by Haschak sisters and that was when I had the brainstorm. I told everyone left in the gym and we were exactly eight so we went to the field and I turned on the speakers and instead of playing the song for the cheer routine, I played show me what you got by Haschak sisters. I changed the song because I just wanted them be free and the song really was like a challenge to them but it actually out really, even I jumped into the routine and then I said to them at the end, "I think we've got ourselves the members of the new cheer squad". So without wasting any more time, I went into the school news room and asked Dolly, who was the only one there to announce the new members, once I gave her the list, I left to go and tell them Tiffany, Rachel and Chloe the good news. When I finally saw them on the hallways before I could reach them to talk to them, Dolly had already started to call out the names. "O.k., students of WHS , for the news you've been waiting to hear all summer is finally here in my hands as I speak to you and that is, the new members of the cheer squad, they are Emily Young, Amy Williams, Megan Davis, Olivia Thompson, Vera Nelson, Chelsea Suillana, Calli Russell and Ivy reed, and that's it, better luck next year, if you didn't make it". After her announcement I could see Tiffany and Rachel were really confused so I walked up to them and I told them what happened after talking for a while I left to submit the list of the people participating in the cheer championship to the principal office, and then I went home.

Tiffany's POV:

"How did she end up doing the cheer auditions, how, our plan was rock solid":I asked Rachel. "I don't know, how it happened, maybe it was luck": Rachel answered me. "Well her luck will soon run out, it is a matter of days": I said to Rachel.

Anna's POV

When I came home from school, as usual Ellen was waiting for me at the living room as she helped upstairs, she asked me how my day was and even asked if I made any friends but as usual my answer remains "no", that is a question whose answer is what I call 'stagnant'.

Ruby's POV:

"I can't believe I have been suspended from college on my first day, if mom and dad hear this they might take away my credit card or worst make me go to college from home or make me not go college ever,and it is all our fault ": Sarah said to Michael, Logan and I. "My parents will never find out, the only thing, they care about is work and that's the only thing they can ever think about, so I will just stay in the apartment I bought last year and wait for a week to pass, I mean what can ever happen in a week":I said. "Sometimes I wish I were you, my parents will kill me if they found out but yours will never even find out to kill you": Sarah said to me. "That is why, you are my darling but there is something I need to ask you, a favor actually": Logan said to me. "There you go again, what do you need this time a limo, or a mansion because the last time you asked for a car, gold-digger":Sarah said. "Don't say that, Sarah, Logan don't mind whatever she says what do you need now, I'll get it": I said to Logan. "Well I don't really need anything,can I just stay with you for this one week": Logan said. "Like you and I in one apartment for one week, okay" :I said." We need to get going now bye Sarah and Michael":  Logan said, and then we both left.

Bev's POV:

I spent the whole afternoon and night trying to figure out a new routine for the cheer championship audition and i did it is a lot complex but with hard work, we can do it. But i also could not stop thinking who would ever had done that so we couldn't have our auditions and when i talked to Tiffany about it she told me not to stress, so i didn't, i just pray tomorrow will be better because a lot has happened today,(What Bev didn't know was that she wasn't the only one praying that same prayer at that same time, guess who the other person is?)                

The next chapter: Things might go a little crazy on the day of the pep rally because principal Mollens suddenly allowed the disabled students to be in the same room for the pep rally, but the question is why did she suddenly take such a drastic step and for whom, is it for one of Tiffany's new schemes.

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