Chapter 4

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Tiffany's POV

I was at the gym's changing room, putting some makeup on, just for Rachel to come rushing to my direction. She was panting so much that I couldn't even her myself breathe. Then I just had to ask,"Rachel, to calm down", so she could tell me what was goi n on."O.k., I have calmed down, but you won't like what I am about to tell you": Rachel said to me. "Say it already, how bad could it be": I said. "Bev and Chloe convinced the weirdos to come for the pep rally, which is ensuring her 100% of their votes and that would be bad for you and the plan": Rachel explained. "No no": I lamented. "Saying no won't stop it from happening, but we have to think of a way to stop it, and get them to be on your side": Rachel advised. After both of them thought for a while, Tiffany came up with a plan. "I don't think there is anything I can do, to gain those weirdos votes, but I can't let Bev get it, so there's only one thing I can do to help my situation": I said to Rachel. "Which is?" She asked. "To make them turn against Bev, and even them would be so shocked and destroyed that they refuse to vote at all": I explained. "Wow Tiffany, brilliant plan": Rachel commended. "Now you just relax and let the fun begin": I said and then I just stared into the air smiling mischievously.

Bev's POV:

"You girls, do you hear": Emily said. "Hear what?": Megan asked. "You will never have guessed what I am about to say": Emily said. "Emily, Just say it already": Amy said. "Principal Mollens allowed those weirdos to come for our pep rally": Megan said. "Wait, are you being serious": Amy asked. "100% serious, no jokes": Emily answered. After hearing their complaints, I just had to tell them the truth, but I didn't know how to get their attention, so I tapped Chloe (Chloe is an Indian-American and she really knows how to get people's attention). "हे सब लोग, सुनो (Hey everyone, listen)": Chloe said in Hindi. The whole room became very silent, then I said "Thanks said in Hindi. The whole room became very silent, then I said "Thanks Chloe, Everyone it wasn't only Principal Mollens who agreed to let them attend the pep rally, I also agreed". "Why would you do that?": Olivia asked. "I agreed because it is what is best for the school and besides it's only for today": I defended. "O.k., but what if they mess today up for us, and you of all people should know, today is very important if we want to win the cheer championships": Vera said. "I know but trust me nothing will go wrong": I promised them. "We trust you a lot, but we don't trust them, but if you are assuring us nothing would go wrong, o.k.": Megan said. "Right now, we have a cheer auditions to ace, so let's go Mighty Eagles": I said to pep other girls. We put our hands together and I counted:"On three, one, two, three", On three we all raised up our hands and shouted go Mighty Eagles. After that, Mrs. Nettle (Our cheerleading coach) came to tell us that, the pep rally was going to start in a few minutes, so we should get going. One I didn't still know the answer to was where Tiffany and Rachel wee

Anna's POV:

I called the driver to come pick me up, because apparently Mrs. Mollens and Beverly called our houses to tell them that we would come back home, only after the pep rally but since I am not going, I might as well just go home. When I called the driver, he was on his way to the market with my mom, so he said he'll only come to pick me in an hour. I am very sure my foster mom asked him to take her and drop her home before he comes to pick me, because if you guys haven't noticed, hmm my foster mom and dad hate me. Sometimes it leaves me thinking if they hate me why did they adopt me in the first place, I am sure it is all for more publicity because to give shelter to a disabled foster girl would really make the public think you are very nice. I waited for up to ten minutes under the sun, it was then I knew I couldn't wait outside any longer so I decided to go and wait inside till one hour was up. I rolled my wheelchair to the door and then I saw my driver entering our school compound, so I rolled my wheelchair to the car. "Mr. T, (I call him Mr. T but he name is actually Mr. Thomas but he is not only my staff but my friend, anytime he picked me up from school, we would talk and crack jokes till we reached the house) I thought you told me that you would pick me up in an hour, did my foster mom's driver pick her up at the market, no wonder you came here early": I said to him when he came down to help me enter the car. "Not at all but I think you need to look inside the car": He replied. "Inside the car, what is inside the car, did you buy me an ice cream, ooh you didn't have to": I said then I opened the door of the backseat and you will never guess who I saw, "Mom, oh I mean foster mom, what are you doing here?": I asked her. "Just get in the car, I'll tell you on our way there": She answered. "On our way to where": I asked her another question. "Thomas, tell her to get in the car": She commanded him. "O.K. ma, Anna, please enter the car, look I will help you get in": He told me. "Alright": I said, and then he helped me enter the car.

Tiffany's POV:

"It's time to give Bev, a taste of her own medicine ": I said. "I think they would have started going to the gym by now, meaning they will surely pass this corridor soon": I said to myself. I waited for sometime before I finally saw them at the end of the corridor, so I went towards them. "Oh good, you guys have finally come": I said to them. "Yes, we have come but why are you here, aren't you meant to be backstage": Dora asked me. "Well, Bev sent me here": I answered. "She sent you here": Isa asked me. "Yeah": I replied. "Why would she send you here": Dora asked? "She wanted me to show you where you are meant to sit for the pep rally": I said. "Aren't we just sitting in the gym with everyone else": Isa asked? "No no, it's your first pep rally and it has to be really memorable, so she asked me to take you to where you will sit": I said deceptively to them. "Can this day get any better, we are going for our first pep rally and we get to sit at special sits": Isa said. "Hold your horses' baby girl, don't fly to heaven yet, Tiffany take us there": Dora said to me. "Follow me": I took them to their sits, we passed the gym and even the door of our school, and we were basically outside. "Why are we outside, aren't we going for the pep rally": asked Tiffany. "We are, just follow me": I said because I didn't want to spoil the surprise I planned for them. We finally reached our destination, the gym window, I already told Rachel to arrange chairs there and to also put up a sign near the window. Before they realized what was going on I told them "bye" and I quickly ran to where Rachel was already hiding to watch the drama happening. "Why would Tiffany ask us to sit here": Isa said. "It wasn't Tiffany; it was Bev who told her to bring us here, just to ridicule us": said. "You see what you have caused Isa because you got high hopes we also believed they have changed but they haven't changed a bit": Dora said. After some seconds of silence, said: "I am going if you guys aren't". "Wait, how can you leave now, yes we are outside watching the pep rally, but doesn't mean that we can't still enjoy it, it just like watching it through TV. but an open one, please just stay and watch":Isa begged them. They finally agreed and sat down, then the fun began, garbage started flying from to the window, and it landed on them. Rachel and I laughed so much at them, we actually took all the trash cans in the gym back to the janitor's closet and made a sign that read trash shoot here, dump your trash here, and we hanged it on the window, so anyone who saw it would throw their trash there. We couldn't stay to watch the fun any longer because we have a pep rally to go to, so we left.

Isa's POV

I can believe Bev did this to us, I actually trusted her because I thought she isn't like the rest of them, but she is worst. Just then I received a call from ..., I went to a corner and answered "Isa, where are you, you told me you will be there for my first pep rally ". "I am sorry but we are in a situation don't think I will be able to make it": I replied and she ended the call, so I went back to where we were standing, Dora and the others said they were leaving so we all left before we got embarrassed anymore. When I got home, I went to my room straight. I didn't talk to my mom or dad, and i wasn't even ready to talk to Ivy because i konw she wouldn't where I am coming from, nobody ever does. 

Next: If you want to know how the pep rally went, and what else Tiffany is willing to do just to ruin Bev, also what's up with Ivy and Isa, how do they know each other, it's worth thinking about? 

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