Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Bev's POV:

The judges called out the team before us, so we were up next but somehow I can't find neither Tiffany nor Rachel and that got me really tensed. Then all of a sudden I see, Tiffany and Rachel running towards us. And the first thing I say is, "Where have guys been, like we have been looking for you". "We'll explain later, right now, we need to go on": Tiffany said. "Girls, it's time for you to go on": Coach said to us. So I practically just forgot about the whole matter, at least they were here. We marched on to the stage and waited for our music to start playing. We began our routine, and almost immediately the crowd started cheering, I didn't want to focus so much on the crowd so that I didn't end up missing my steps. We gave the routine our all and it came out so beautifully, at the end not only me but everyone else was happy at the outcome. We didn't get a perfect 30 but to audition for the semi-finals was a 24-30 score and we got a 27 so I was super duper happy about it. When the whole event in our gymnasium was over we all went to the cafeteria, where almost half of the school was already waiting immediately we stepped in everyone started cheering loudly. I was so happy and so was Tiffany, I could tell (she literally walked to the middle and was waving like she was an actress or something and it was her movie premiere, she really loves being in the spotlight, honestly speaking but she is still my best friend, don't tell but sometimes I wonder why we are even friends, only sometimes not all the time). We were all celebrating, and then Shane stands up to announce something. "Hello guys and beautiful girls, as you know WHS cheer squad is going to the semi-finals, so give our round of applause to them and and even louder applause to their team captain, Beverly Miller, We love you Bev" : Shane said and everyone started clapping. Oh my gosh, I can't believe he stood up to say that, but I immediately replied: "I love you guys too", while trying to keep it cool but I was so not cool on the inside. "OK, now for what I stood up to say, drum roll please": Shane continued. But the most awkward thing was that, there were no drums so we were all waiting for who to point that out to him, then Miles (Shane's BFF) shouted "Dude, just continue". "Alright fine, in honor of our ever-winning, if that's a thing, cheer squad, I would be throwing a party at my house, Friday night and all of you are invited": Shane said and everyone started clapping. I was so excited then I remembered that I can't go because I have an interview for Stanford University (Back story, There are actually two universities that are legit to go to in Winslow that is either Harvard or Stanford, unfortunately for me, I wanted to go to Harvard so I applied earlier but I didn't get accepted, I do not know why though maybe they honestly didn't like me, anyway I applied for Stanford, and not only did I get in, I got a cheer scholarship, how great is that). So now, I have to figure ways out to tell Shane and the others about it. When we finished in the cafeteria, I ran to Shane to break the news to him, to my surprise he actually took it better than I expected. "Go for your interview, don't worry about the party we would have lots of other parties in the future, and good luck on your interview": Shane said to me. Then Miles and Tiffany walked up to us and the first thing that crossed my mind was "Omg, Miles and Tiffany are you guys a couple". "Yes": Miles said immediately, but Tiffany definitely contradicted it. "No eww, Miles never, his to low for my class": She said and walked passed us. "Wait up Tiffany, we are practically in the same class so why can't you date me": Miles said and chased after her. "Let's go babe": Shane said to me, and then he put his hand on top of mine and we started walking towards the door.

Anna's POV:

So I was practically been kidnapped by my own foster mom to an unknown place. I randomly check my phone for any messages or news probably connecting to where was going now, I check the website and I find out the mighty eagles made it to the semi-finals, I wasn't happy or sad about the news I was just indifferent. Finally, the car stopped, and you never guess what, (I would have guessed it). She was taking me to one of her press conferences, my dad is currently running for town mayor, so she also attends some press conferences, ( I always believed they were made for each other, but now I am absolutely sure they are, when one is in distress they have the other one out, sometimes, I try to forget what they do to me, and be glad to call them my parents but as you know you can't run away from your problems). Mr. T. wheeled me to the hall venue, beside my mom, they asked her a bunch of question and she answered them humbly. My foster mom is not like Cinderella's stepmother, she's quiet almost all the time, and she never shows emotions. The press conference ended faster than I thought. Most press conferences, I attend usually end with my foster mom standing up to leave once they start asking questions of whether, she sometimes wished she never adopted me. Unlike my dad, she would take my wheelchair and wheel me to the car, like as I was her little egg and she wanted to protect me, and during those moments I feel special. When we both reached home, as usual Ellen was the first person to welcome me home, and my foster mom went to her room and locked herself in her room like some kind of vampire, it may be true, you never know she might be a vampire. I went up to my room and quickly finished all my assignments which wasn't all that much because we practically had no subjects today.

Ruby's POV

So Logan and I were staying under the same roof now and it was the best, he filled my life with the happiness, I never got from my family because they only thing they cared about was Bev and her dreams but not mine. We would watch movies and till now our parents hadn't found out, Logan was the best person in my life and the only person I ever wanted. I was glad to have him.

Isa's POV:

I told Ivy practically everything that happened today and she couldn't believe that it was Bev who set the whole thing up. "Isa, are you sure, she was the one that planned it all because she was organizing and making sure the pep rally goes well the whole time": She said to me. "I never said she did the work herself": I replied. "Then, what are you saying cause at this point I am really confuse": Ivy asked me to clear the confusion. "She had sent Tiffany and Rachel to show us the sits ... ": I was saying before she interrupted me. "Wait did you just say Tiffany and Rachel, they were both missing minutes before our performance ad they didn't even say anything about where there've been , from the first day I saw Tiffany, I knew that she wasn't who seemed to be": Ivy said confidently to me. "Why would she set her best friend up, that doesn't make sense": I said. "Well, you are quite right about that part": Ivy said before she entered into a thinking trance but I knew I had to snap her out of it. "So enough of talking about Tiffany , you are going to one of the most awesome party ever, what are going to wear, we need to go shopping": I said to Ivy. "Isa, you know we can't go to places in the town together": Ivy, reminded me. I knew she was right, I couldn't risk our secret getting exposed.

Shane's POV:

Friday had come, the day fro party but Bev wasn't coming to school because she had to prepare the whole day for the interview, it was really big thing for her, only the smartest can get Into Harvard and Stanford, so I was at my locker talking to Miles. "It was too bad Bev wasn't able to come, I really wished she could" : Miles explained how he wanted Bev to come to the party. But while he was talking my mind was just not present. Then, I saw Tiffany walking up to Miles and I and I knew I had to hide, so I hid inside my locker and gladly Miles didn't notice me enter into my locker while he was bringing out his Maths textbook from his locker. I could hear all of their conversation from inside my locker. Tiffany walked up to Miles and asked "Have you seen Shane anywhere today, cause I thought I saw him here standing with you". "Me too, he was standing right here where did he go, anyways we are you looking for him": Miles asked her. "No no, Miles why did you as her that, Tiffany please don't blow it, Bev will kill me if she finds out": I said in my head so they wouldn't hear me. "If you see him. Tell him that he should invite all the girls on the team, he shouldn't forget anybody at all": Tiffany said and then she left. What she said left me wondering of why she didn't tell Miles the truth or if that was what she actually wanted to tell me. After Miles had finally left his locker I came out of my mine quietly and rushed off to class.

Anna's POV

Mrs. Mollens had said that our new English teacher was coming on Wednesday but she didn't come neither on Wednesday nor Thursday, so I just prayed she came today because I didn't want to be behind. After a while into English period, a woman walked into our classroom, "I guess she is the new English teacher": People murmured. "Hello class, My name is Mrs. Laura Bush, but you can just call me, Mrs. Laura": She introduced herself tot us. During the whole class she was actually really nice but she kept on excusing herself multiple times to answer a phone call and even before class was over she would leave, it was quite strange.

Next: Read the next chapter to find out how the party went, what secret Logan and Tiffany know but Bev is unaware, try to guess what relationship Ivy and Isa share, and what drastic thing will happen to Bev in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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