Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bev's POV

I left for school early in the morning because I had to meet with the cheer squad so we could practice before and after school. When I got to school everyone was already waiting for me in the gym, so I just dropped my bag and we started to rehearse. It took us a long time but we finally learnt the routine all we needed to do was make it perfect, when we had finished morning practice, it was already time for first period so we all quickly went to get changed. I really couldn't wait for after school, I also remembered that I will not be going for the cheer championships as the captain but as a member because I will be running for school president this year, so I decided to announce it after the auditions and make Tiffany the cheer captain then and there but before I do that I have to talk to Mrs. Mollens about it. So I went straight to her office and I knocked on the door after noticing someone had knocked, she yelled, "No Jeremy, you can't take a leave, you will have to teach them math, I have lost English, I can't afford to lose math too". I guessed that she thought I was Mr. Jeremy, (He is the one who teaches student B math). I knocked again but this time I said my name and then she let me in, she apologized for the misunderstanding. I explained to her my reason for being here and then she asked me to fill out a form, as I was about to leave I decided to ask her question. "Mrs. Mollens, when I was at the door you said something about students B teachers, I know it is not my business but I would really like to know what's going on": I asked curiously. "Well, as you know I am not meant tell students, this sort of things but you are, going to be school president soon so it is good for you to know, a lot of students B parents have started complaining on the type of education we give and how unwanted we make them feel and most of them tend to redraw their child from our school": Principal Mollens said to me. "But that's good": I replied. "No it is not": She answered me. "Mrs. Mollens, what do you mean are we in some kind of problem": I asked her? "Not yet, when the students complain to their parents about the school, they complain to us everywhere, like on our social media platforms, our websites and even during the Parents and Teachers Association meeting and then the Winslow Education Board have come to know about it and they are not happy and worst of all, most of their teachers are telling me they want to resign after this school year and there is nothing I can do believe I had tried": Mrs. Mollens said almost about to burst into tears. "Then, give them what they want allow them to go to school like other normal students": I asked her. "If I do that, then your parents will complain about that and we will possibly lose more than 50% of our students, I am in hot water here, but at least thanks for trying": She explained to me. I was about to leave when I turned and said "I got it" and when I told her the idea she liked and agreed (but if you want to find out what the idea is you have to stick around for the cheer auditions).

Rachel's POV

The rest of the team and I, was so freaked out because the cheer auditions was in two days and even if we were ready to an extent I didn't feel so ready but very scared and it wasn't only me that thought that way. I was actually more scared than normal because it was our last cheer championship in high school and if I nail this I might actually get a cheer scholarship for college and I don't need to burden, ma.

Narrator's POV

Two days of long practices, it had finally come, the day of the cheer auditions.

[Three hours before the auditions begin]

Anna's POV:

"You guys I think we should wait and not go home till the cheer auditions is over so at least we know if we passed the auditions, we are still students and ambassadors of the school, so we can at least do this to support them": Isa said to all of us few periods before school was over. After much silence, Dora said: "You can stay but I am not" (even if she is the name sake of a very sweet cartoon character, she is the opposite). "I am not going to stay for people who never accepted us or helped us in anyway": Allen added. "Yeah, I am not also staying, besides I have to babysit my sister today": Chanelle said. "I couldn't wait for another day of school to be over and now it is over and I can go home, it is not like they even invited us for the pep rally so why wait for it to start and besides I have a lot to do at home": I said in contribution to what they were staying, then everyone turned to look at me but as usual I looked away. Soon after, some people started packing their books to leave, you'll never had guessed who entered, Beverly Miller. "Hello guys, please can I come in?": She asked us. Isa didn't waste any time, she said: "of course you can". But you could see from everyone's facial expression that Isa was not speaking their mind. "O.k. great": She answered and walked into the room. "Aren't you afraid of coming this close to us, oh no I mean us weirdos": Bailey asked her. "Maybe she has come to tell us to leave real quick so that the judges won't see us on our way out, but don't worry at all because we have already started going, you don't need to waste any more time and besides you need the time to get ready, so you can as well leave now": Dora said to her. "I'll leave only when I have completed what I can here to do": She answered back. "Which is?" Allen asked. "Yeah, get to the point": Bailey added. "I have come to deliver a message straight from principal Mollens ...." She said but got interrupted again but this time by Isa. "OMG, a message from principal Mollens to us through a student, is this really happening, finally she has allowed all of us to school like everyone else, that's no more creepy basements or annoying teachers and most of mean names, we are finally equals": Isa said with so much joy but not long after Dora brought her back to earth. "Hey Isa, will you stop dreaming like a little girl wishing for a unicorn because that will never happen not now, not tomorrow and not ever": Dora said. "Then why else is she here?" Isa asked sadly. "She is here to deliver a message, so can no one interrupt again so we can listen to what she wants to say": I said in my mind but after that, they started to stare at me, I realized I said it out loud so I just hid my head under my hair. After few awkward moments, Beverly started talking again: "Thank you, I am actually here to invite you guys to today's pep rally/ auditions". "Are you serious, we get to for the school's pep rally, we are progressing people, so we would all go right": Isa said happily. "I guess I can stay in school for a little while, it is not like my sister is going anywhere": Chanelle said. "I could come to, if you guys really want that, I mean it's your choice right": Allen said jokingly. Everyone else agreed except for Dora and I, of course I agreed on the outside but not on the inside because I didn't trust them one bit especially cheerleaders (they are the worst). Isa tried a lot to convince Dora, and she finally agreed, "I am only going to make sure that everything goes well and nothing happens to you guys": Dora said. "Alright, I will go now, bye guys": Beverly said to us and then she left. "I can't believe this is really happening, or am I dreaming, pinch me": Isa said and immediately Chanelle pinched her.

"Hey, what did you do that for": Isa complained? "You clearly asked me to do that": Chanelle defended herself. "O.k. now, you guys enough with the jokes": Allen said. I just remembered that I needed to ask if there is anywhere I could stay with my wheelchair because I can't sit on the bench, so I rolled my wheelchair towards the door and I opened the door but before I could open it fully open the door, I saw Beverly standing at the other side of the door, and it seemed like she was talking to someone. Then I heard someone's voice, voice. "I can't believe those weirdos thing that we have started to accept them, just because we allowed them to come for the rally, way to go Bev, you've really tricked them, you will have their votes to in no time and soon you will be school president ": Chloe said. "I just pray everything goes well today and we get in": Beverly said. "We will, as long as they don't cause any trouble": Chloe said. "Let's go": Beverly said and they both left. I can't believe, they did this, actually I can believe they are cheerleaders so this is highly expected. I thought of telling the others but I knew they wouldn't believe so I just made up an excuse of having an impromptu doctor's appointment, then I left because that was really the only thing I could, if Tiffany saw me there I would have been in a lot of trouble, her and her stupid friends would have given me a hard time so I just had to leave.

Next: What would now at the pep rally, would everything work out great or would it be the opposite, and why would Anna be in trouble, if Tiffany sees her there .

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