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JACKIE WILSON knows how important school is. Without school, she won't know about science. She won't know about how gravity will be your best friend in times of need. Without gravity, the chances of getting eaten alive while floating are high. She won't also know how most living beings got triggered by sound. They will know and will come to you if you make a sound.

Apparently, this guy wearing a hospital gown didn't know that.

She watched him from afar, spiked baseball bat gripped in her hands, adrenaline running high.

Is this guy stupid or what? She asked herself, contemplating the pros and cons of helping the guy. She shifted in her feet, fingers playing with the carved name on her bat. The guy looks confused and tired, swaying around disoriented. She can see him gripped his head and cries; her heart clenched for him.

Her best friend would undoubtedly laugh at her. The familiar sea blue eyes and a permanent scowl that adorn his face comes to her mind.

Come on, Ace, don't think just do. His voice filled her head. She scowled.

It's obvious the guy just lost someone or losing his memory, as he whipped his head back and forth, trying to process what happened.


She cursed under her breath; the guy absolutely knows nothing about the apocalypse. Her ears perked as she looked over his shoulder to see a few corpses start staggering to him.

"H-Help me, please! What happened?" The guy asked a corpse in front of him, only receiving grunts and moans as an answer.

"Please!" the guy desperately pleaded as he reached forward. The corpse lunged at him.

Jackie dashed forward leaving her hidden place as she swung her bat towards the closest corpse in her way. A lot of corpses start staggering around the commotion, and her adrenaline rushed through her veins. She reached the guy and yanks him upwards before the corpse could take a bite out of him. surprising herself with the power she had.

She swung her bat at the corpse, a squelching sound can be heard. She can feel the guy got tense as she hit the corpse over and over until the head becomes a glob around her.

"Y- You just killed him!" he exclaimed, widening his eyes at her.

She turns around quickly, almost throwing him off at surprise.

"It's already dead!" she replies as she grabs his hand and runs towards her hiding place. "Come on, stupid! You're going to get us killed if you're not moving!" she continues as she drags him towards safety.

She ran in front of him, trying to nail every corpse in her way. She makes sure to check on the guy as he continued to cry, seeing what happened. She rolled her eyes, scoffing at the guy.

They finally reached a small convenient store, the windows are barricaded from inside with woods and racks, corpses with pungent smell lying around and black liquid sprayed on the walls, the smell hurting his nose as he near it.

"Come on, get in! quick!" She exclaimed. Taking too long, she pushed the guy forward towards the entrance and followed after him, slamming the doors shut and quickly barricaded it with racks, tables, and chairs around her. She sighed in relief as she slid down to the floor right across the guy.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍'𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now