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13-year-old Jackie Wilson is tired after hearing the non-stop whining coming out of her friend, Kylee. Kylee is her rival in the team, they both almost always head to head in their run time, as well as school grades, but of course, Jackie won every time.

"Hey Ace! You done yet?" Marlon's voice rung around the field. She snapped her head to the source of the sound, finding her best friend sat on the bleachers, hands ups around his mouth.

Marlon is a blue-eyed blonde-haired friend since she was 7. They met at a big motorcycle convention in their town when suddenly Jackie got lost in the crowds, trying to find her parents who won't hold her hand. She was on the verge of hyperventilation when suddenly Marlon's hand almost scared her to death.

"You alright?" he asked him. She shook her head, eyes widen when she saw a big man standing behind him. "He's my dad. I saw you cryin' and you hide here you lost or somethin'?" he asked again.

Jackie choked on her sobs, when the man kneels down in front of her, when she saw him looking at her in pity, his once steel cold eyes soften.

"What's yur name, girly?" he asked her softly. "This is my son, names Marlon." He said as he pointed to the boy. "My name's Daryl. Daryl Dixon." He continues. "Ye lost yur way around, huh? Can't find yur parents?" he asked again. She nodded.

"My name is Jackie. Jackie Wilson." She replies as she outstretched her hand, Daryl chuckles, shaking her hand.

"A little girl with manner, huh?" he says to her and stands up. "Come, on bug," he continues as he beckons her to follow him.

People start looking over to the unlikely group, A man with rugged look, dark-washed jeans and sleeveless cream-colored flannel and leather vest, holding a boy with greed sleeveless t-shirt and short cargo pants, behind them, a short girl with pigtails in a with a t-shirt and red dungarees. Daryl noticed the girl dipped her head starts biting her chipped nails.

"Ya wanna hold my hand?" Daryl asked Jackie softly. She looked up to him with her big puppy eyes. "Yes please." She muttered, Daryl smiles and holds her hand, walking towards the help center, asking for help to announce a lost girl.

A few days later, Marlon noticed the girl went to the same school with him after seeing her got bullied in the middle of the hall, Marlon watches from afar, not wanting to get into trouble, but after seeing her eyes watered, he sauntered over.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" He exclaimed.

"It's none of your business you hillbilly trash!" after that, they start throwing hands, the rest is history.


"Fuck! Rick, don't move an inch!" Jackie exclaimed as she leans over to the side, Nellie gripped in her right hand while the other held onto Rick's shoulders.

The both of them were riding through Atlanta's vacant street peacefully before Rick almost runs into a herd. It was all okay until they were surrounded by walkers from every direction. Jackie desperately swung Nellie to the nearest walker before got thrown off the horse in panic.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍'𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now