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"MERLE? THE FUCKS goin' on?!" Marlon's panicked voice filled the Dixon household. His eyes wide in fear after seeing his uncle stumbling into the kitchen with bloodied hands and a large splatter of blood on his shirt.

His mouth hung agape as if trying to understand what just happened a few minutes ago. His dealer attacked him, trying to scratch him, and bite him with its crazed eyes, he got no choice but to put him down.

After a beat of silence Merle snapped out of his thoughts and turned on the tv, watching the news with focus, Marlon quickly followed him.

"We are receiving unconfirmed reports right now of random acts of violence and mass murder from all over the city. Details are shown the perpetrators showing the same tributes such as, grey eyes, rotten flesh, they do not appear to feel or respond to pain, and can survive even the most brutal injuries. These characteristics are strikingly similar to the attack on LA a week ago, and The Government has stated that-"

"Merle? What's just happened?" Marlon asks shakily.

"The military has released Martial Law and there are shelters in all of the big cities such as Atlanta and Birmingham. The Military provided safety, food, and medicine. However, if you are unable to go to the shelters, stay inside. Lock the doors and windows, and do not make excessive noise. If you come across these people do not engage. They are-"

"Marlon! Merle!" Daryl's voice entered the room.

"Dad! Here!"

"Mar, go pack up your things. Clothes, food, and a weapon. Hurry!"

"The fuck's happening, dad?" Marlon stares at his dad with fear in his eyes. Daryl softens his eyes, seeing his son scared unsettling him.

"It's fuckin' chaos out there, jus' hurry up will ya? I'll tell you on the way." Daryl spoke as he put his hand on his son's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze. Marlon nods and went to his room.

"It ain't nothin' I've seen before, brother," Merle said to him.

"The hell happened to ya?"

"Marcus turned into one of those things after his kid bit 'im."

"Fuck... his kid?"


"This is so fucked up."

"Tell me about it."

Daryl and Merle exchange glances after a beat, then quickly stuff their clothes, food, and weapons inside a bag and run outside to their truck.

"Marlon! Hurry!" Daryl exclaims from outside.

Several growls and moans can be heard from behind them, Merle and Daryl hastily grab their weapons and turn around, five walkers staggering at them. Daryl starts shooting at them, frowning when they don't seem to weaken after a shot at their body.

"Aim for the head!" Merle yelled from beside him.

Daryl aims for the head, and it seems to work after a walker falls down. They keep shooting at them, but after a few minutes, they keep coming from everywhere.

"DAD!" Marlon screams. Daryl's heart drops. He turns to the house where Marlon stands. In front of him, three walkers growled at his way, their arms stretched out, reaching for him. Marlon looks over at his dad, fear evident in his eyes, in his arms full of bags, he had no weapon.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍'𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now