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"DARYL SAW 'im went down," Merle said to her. His eyes wet with tears but he refused to let it fall. "He got cornered by those fuckin' meat-eaters." His voice wavered as he saw Jackie's heartbreak right in front of his eyes. Merle Dixon knows how important Jackie is to his nephew, he stills remember vividly when Marlon invited Jackie to their cabin, He and Daryl stared at Marlon as if he grew two heads when Marlon tells them Jackie would be there soon.

"The fuck?" Merle said to no one, as he and Daryl exchanged glances. Daryl and Merle stared at him in disbelieve. It's completely impossible Marlon talks to a girl without the girl ended up slapping him, or ran away from him. Marlon's ability to talk to girls is the same as Daryl, absolutely devastating. When he heard about this, he felt conflicted, wanting to jump in joy seeing his nephew growing up or set up a lie detector to make sure he's saying the truth.

"What's her name again?"

"Jack. Jackie Wilson." Marlon muttered as he picked up some trash up from the ground, and went to tidy up while hiding his flushed face. Seeing his action, Daryl and Merle exchange glances and hurriedly helped him, making sure the cabin is tidy enough to not leave any bad impression. Daryl even went to buy some snacks for them, seeing him acting different like this making his sense going into haywire too, he wants his son to be happy.

"It ain't nothin' serious, it's just a school project." At that, Merle choked on his water, and Daryl fell off his chair. They both sure this is not their meat and blood. Marlon has this condition called photographic memory and attitude problems. If he tries, he could Ace every subject in school, but the thing is, he doesn't. he sleeps at class, picking up fights and never done his homework, he almost got expelled a few times, but never did, Merle doesn't bother to know.

Now, Marlon doing a school project, inviting a girl into their house is completely new and scary to them. they had a fair share of women coming to their house, but never something like this. A girl coming over to hang out with their little boy.

Their parents were never there to show them what to do at situations like this, and they don't bother to ask them, situation like this would never happen to them when they were just kids, and now they want to make it different for Marlon.

"Shit." Merle curses.

Suddenly, a few knocks can be heard from the front door. The three Dixon freezes, Marlon's eyes widen and red starts to creep up his neck. He instantly felt hot. Merle noticed this and starts to grin, his nephew has a crush. When the door knocks for the second time, The three Dixon starts to jump off their seat, Merle making sure everything's tidy enough, Daryl preparing some snacks while Marlon went up to open the door.

"Hi! What took you so long?" The girl's soft voice rang into the house. Daryl smiles, remembering the girl he saved a few years ago at the motorcycle convention. Merle discreetly peeping from the kitchen, watching over his nephew, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid. When Marlon turns around, Merle almost burst out laughing. Marlon's face is as red as a tomato, his lips stretched into a shy smile.

After Jackie's first visit there, things had gotten weirder. For example, Marlon starts wearing deodorant and brush his hair, as well as trying to wear his clothes color matched. Also, Marlon starts to smile a lot. whatever it is, Merle and Daryl glad about the existence of Jackie, she made Marlon's life a little brighter.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍'𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now