Chapter 30

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*Louis POV*

Me and Harry were hanging out with some children outside and I met Carol properly. I really missed the rest of the boys... But Im really happy here.
I decided to go back and check on them, I told Harry I would be back in a few minutes.

I snapped my fingers and I appeared in Niall's room. I looked around and decided to just sit and wait.
After a while I heard the door open.

I stood up and saw Niall walk in, he burst out in tears. He was saying our names and wishing how we were there.

I walked over to him and hugged him but he walked right through me. I gasped and realized he can't see or hear me. I sat by him and just told him soothing things even though he can't hear me. After a while, he called my name.

"Niall?" I asked again

"Louis! Oh Lou where are you?" He said smiling

"Im right here Niall" I smiled sitting next to me He couldnt see me but he didnt care

"Oh my, Louis! We all miss you" He whispered

"Me too Nialler, But remember me and Harry love you guys and we are very happy up here, don't worry about us" I whispered smiling

"Aw Lou" He said

"Well get some sleep Ni, you and the boys perform tomorrow" I whispered as he laid down

"Goodnight Louis" He yawned

"Night Ni" I said before snapping my fingers and disappearing

~~~Minutes Later~~~~

"Louis!" Harry exclaimed running to me as I talked to some new friends
He almost tackled me as he run up to me almost tripping.

"Woah there Tiger" I laughed

"Louis! Oh my geee! The guys are performing today! Can we go see them? Pleeaase?" He begged

"Alright, where?" I smiled

"At Madison square, in a few hours" He said looking at his invisble watch

"Harry, you arent wearing a watch" I chuckled

"Shh No one knows that" He whispered before smiling

I rolled my eyes and kissed his lips.
"Woah there, really before the show?" He smirked smiling

"It wouldnt hurt right?" I smirked tackling him with small kisses.

He giggled and ran away. I laughed and ran after him. Later, since it was already mornig down on earth, Me and Harry told Carol about the Concert and we left to go see them.

As we arrived at the area outside where they were performing, we were early enough to hear and see them do soundcheck. When the people started arriving, we stood in the crowd in front of the security guards. They can't see us so why not.

"Welcome Madison Square!" Zayn spoke into the mircophone smiling before the crowd erupted in cheers and screams.

"Oh My Gosh, Its Jesus Christ!" A girl yelled out at Zayn. He laughed and smiled at her.

"Now since we all now about the tragic loss we had, we all want you to know, that we will still continue as band, no matter how hard it hurts us, forever and always they will be in our hearts." Niall said bringing up a serious topic before smiling softly.

"Now we hope you enjoy today's concert, Now for 'Spaces'!" Liam said getting the crowd hyped, as the first few chords in the song started.

"Who's gonna be the first one to start the fire, Who's going to be the first one to fall asleep at night" Niall began.

"Who's going to be the first one to drive away, who's going to be the last one to forget this place" Zayn sang Louis' part

"We keep taking turns, will we ever learn" Zayn sang.

"Ooh Spaces between us, keeping getting deeper its harder to reach you een though I try" All three sang.

We sang softly in the crowd along And smiled at the lads.

After they sang two more songs, everyone left and we went back. "They were wonderful out there" I said smiling as we walking hand in hand around Madison square.

*Harry POV*

"You know, it really hit Niall, when we passed away.." Louis said quietly

"Really?" I asked Louis looking at him as he looked down

"Yea I talked to him, well sorta, and he misses us. He cried himself to sleep yesterday" He said looking at his feet

"Aw poor Ni, I hope in a while it won't be as much emotion" I added

"Well we better get back, we've been out a while" I said looking at a clack that hang from the Tea ò Cafè sign outside.

"Alright" Louis smiled.

We snapped our fingers as we disappeared back to meet Carol.

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