he took me to a place of never been too before. it turns out he lived in a sexy cabin. how does a cabin look sexy? you decide
he took me inside his cabin which was big, but not as big as his siren monster cock. he ripped my clothes off but i was wearing my new my chemical romance shirt. "you dumb stupid bitch" i yelled, how would people know i wasn't like other girls without the my chemical romance shirt.
he told me that the shirt was pretty fucking ugly. we then started making out again because i'm a hot bitch. i started giving him (siren) head (fucking kill me please). my mouth was big enough for his cock because when i was 13 i sliced my mouth open because i had a crush on jeff the killer. i kept on sucking until
i bit his fucking dick off because the dumb bitch made fun of my fucking shirt. i stuck a firecracker up his ass so it could explode like when i eat taco bell. siren head died on the spot.
you may be thinking 'but you were going to get dicked down, why would you do that?', to be honest i was too tired because i already jerked off to the furry porn i saw earlier.
it's been a couple of months since that happened to me.
that incident made me gay.
i only date boys now.i started a mango company to represent all the murder i committed in 2015. they deserved it though because they were all like whip whip nae nae, someone had to get punished for that.
i decided to visit the cabin, after all i could steal his furniture and sell it on ebay to the pornstar. once i got there, all the memories came flooding back like the time i got covered in minion cum. it was a very emotional moment for me, not because i gave head to a tall siren monster, but because before i came here i threw a rock at a guy's car. it's not like it was expensive anyways. i drank my gatorade and dipped, the cabin was too boring for me anyways.
i don't regret chomping on his dick, it was something i wanted to check off in my bucket list. i hope one day i write a book about this and sell it in a scholastic book fair for children to read.
it'll be called~giving sirenhead~
goodnight <3
siren head x reader
Fanficyou read the title right the original art is by kekkarma on deviantart