03 - Destiny Sallow

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That Christian boy is awkward. I'd know, I was once like that. But, I was much younger then.

I found Auden at waiting for me at my locker.

"So, how was your first day back?" he asked, putting in my combination and pulling out my homework books.

He had to know my locker combination. He was my best friend for a reason.

"It was pretty good. I met this guy in the library. Said his name is Christian. And I managed to not get lost." I threw my backpack over my shoulder. "I followed him around all day because he is in all my classes."

"Good to know you have a tour guide now." Auden put his arm around me. "I have basketball practice till five. Are you going to wait for me?"

I thought about it. "If I wait, you'll drive me home?" He nodded. "I guess I'll wait. When you're done, give me a call."

Auden ruffled my hair and took off jogging, while I decided to head to the music room. It's been so long since I played anything.

The music room wasn't hard to find because it was one of the three rooms on the second floor. It was right in between the gym and auditorium.

I pushed the large wooden doors open and walked in, the sound of a piano being played softly hitting my ears.

"You're just everywhere, aren't you?" I said, spotting Christian perched on a chair in front of one of the pianos.

He looked startled, but he calmed down when he set his eyes on me. "Oh, it's you." He turned around so that his back was facing the keys. "What are you doing here?"

"I uh, wrote something and I wanted to see how it sounded. I could just go." I made to leave, pointing to the ajar door. "If you want privacy."

"No!" he said a little too quickly. "I mean, you could stay if you want to." He gave a slight shrug, trying to play off his first reaction.

I smiled a bit.

"That's great." I cheered, and slid in next to him. "How long have you been playing?" I pulled out my score sheet from my bag.

"Oh, I wouldn't call what I do playing. I had no one to teach me, so I dabbled a bit because I like the sound it makes when you press down on the keys."

A devious smile crept onto my face. "Play something? Please? Because if we're going by what I heard when I walked in, then you're great at it!"

"Yeah, I'm not exactly comfortable with this." He motioned between us. I followed his hand movement and scooted backwards.

"Is that okay?"

"Much better."

I placed the score sheet on a stand in front of him and he placed his hands on the keys.

"I can't do this," he blurted. "You know, I'm sorry and this is probably disappointing, but I just can't play for you." He had gotten to his feet and he was pacing.

"Christian," I started. "What's wrong? Is there a problem? Some form of anxiety?" I reached out to touch him.

"What? No!" He jumped back when my fingernail graded his right hand. "What are you trying to do?"

"Nothing! I just wanted to help you calm down."

"Sorry, I'm just, really jumpy around people like you." His voice got smaller and he raked a hand through his hair, his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I nodded. "I get it. It's totally not your fault. Though I still don't understand what you meant by that." My phone blasted my ringtone. I picked it up and ended the incoming call. "Um, that's my cue." I shoved it in my bag and picked up my score sheet.

"What are you doing with that?" Christian asked.

I pushed it out to him, shoving it at his chest. "You keep it. Since you can't play around others, you can practice on your own." I bit my bottom lip. My phone started ringing again.

"Well, thank you." He took it from me.

I wiped my palms on my jeans. They had gotten sweaty. "I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow?"

He smiled down at me. "Actually, I have to get going too. My sister's cheer practice is probably over now."

"So, you just started here? Transfer?"

"No. Something happened back where I used to live, and we moved here about a few months ago." He slid his bag oner a shoulder and held the large door open for me to step out.

"Do you drive?"

His eyes darkened, and his mouth twitched.

"Sorry." I help up my hands in surrender. "Bad topic, I see the problem. We don't have to talk about it."

We had gotten to the parking lot. It was mostly empty except for a few cars scattered over the premises.

"I guess I'll see you around." My eyes swept over the place and found Auden talking to someone next to his car.

"Yeah, I'll see you."

And with that, I skipped over to where Auden was waiting for me.



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