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cosmo wasn't sure what was going on (she hardly ever did, but that was beside the point)

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cosmo wasn't sure what was going on (she hardly ever did, but that was beside the point). she had landed herself in a position that there was seemingly no going back from; zeus had, quite literally, kicked her out of the sky and yelled at her from above to stay down until she knew how to act. in her honest opinion, there was nothing wrong with her attitude.

she couldn't recall the exact moment where things had gone wrong. she remembered bullying zeus for his receding hairline ("why chose a form where your hairline is on the back of your neck? that is not an image fit for being king of the gods!") and him getting so pissed off that he, as previously stated, kicked her out of the sky. cosmo thought it was an unfair punishment for a few measly words. the only bright side was that apollo joined in on the harassment before she was given the boot, which just made zeus more upset. she had no clue as to why he got so heated over something so trivial. talk about being sensitive.

there was only one other instance where her loud mouth had gotten her kicked off mount olympus. she had made a comment about zeus cheating on hera and the queen of the gods launched her down as she had done with her son, hephaestus. cosmo had won a much more fortunate fate, managing to go unscathed for the most part with only a few scratches scattered on her body that healed shortly after. she threw a tantrum so chaotic that the gods had no choice but to send someone down to retrieve her. it was millennia ago, but she remembered it as clear as day: empires collapsed, villages flooded, fires erupted at every corner, livestock died of devastating diseases, and vegetation refused to grow. it wasn't her proudest moment, but she taught the olympians that she wasn't one to be messed with, but after years of dealing with incessant verbal abuse, the gods were done dealing with her!

they took the liberty of calling her the brat of olympus, a nickname she despised but supposed was well deserved.

unlike the last time, she did not land in an empty field. rather, cosmo landed in front of a house. a small, cute little house that held a welcoming air around it. she was never one for mingling with humans like many of the other immortals often did (in fact, she had never spoken to one at all) but she knew that they were weird.

while cosmo laid on the ground, a boy and a young woman came out of the house looking bewildered. she didn't blame them. her fall from literally thousands and thousands of feet in the air had sounded like a bomb being dropped and she was surprised that there wasn't a crater in the ground.

they rushed to her side, carefully examining her for any injuries. they spoke a language that she had never heard before but understood perfectly. it was interesting.

"oh my goodness!" the woman cried out frantically. "are you okay, dear? can you hear me?"

she nodded her head and lifted herself up despite their protests, dusting herself off. her clothes were torn. what a shame. she hadn't brought another pair to change into. "i'm fine," she reassured them. their language felt foreign coming out of her mouth, but cosmo liked it. "i promise that it wasn't as bad as it sounded."

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