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in short, cosmo's eyes made kurapika uncomfortable

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in short, cosmo's eyes made kurapika uncomfortable. it's not that they weren't beautiful, no. that was not at all the case. she was a gorgeous girl overall with her candy apple red hair and milky skin, but her eyes. they were a translucent light gray in color with a pale film over it that made them resemble that of rigor mortis or someone with cataracts, and she either didn't have pupils or he wasn't looking close enough. he didn't like to be picky about appearances, but he straight up didn't like them. other than the physical aspect, there was something deeper—her eyes looked ancient, something that didn't suit someone as young as she looked. not particularly wise, but very old nonetheless. they looked like what he imagined the eyes of the greek gods he used to read about looked like. not that he would ever know, though. it was called mythology for a reason.

he hadn't asked, but from the looks of it, she and gon were equal in age. her mannerisms were nothing out of the ordinary but her pattern of speech told a different story. the way she spoke made it seem as if everything was a new sight to her. when katzo and gon had gone over the edge of the ship and right before he and leorio caught them, he distinctly remembered her saying "i'm about to witness my first mortal deaths for the first time in ages!" who says things like that? kurapika wasn't sure. cosmo was higher up on the scale of strange people he had met, and that was saying a lot.

but for now, he could do nothing more than to keep a close eye on her.


the dolle harbor did nothing but accelerate her excitement. after seeing gon and katzo almost drown, her smile was permanently etched on her face. sure, it would've been tragic to see her first ever friend die, but death was exciting! she was never going to experience it for herself, so why not enjoy it when she had the opportunity to see it?

"leorio is such a loser," cosmo mumbled. she used the arm that wasn't interlocked with gon's to make an 'l' shape with her fingers and held it up to her forehead. "why would he believe a little piece of paper over the c—"

"wait! wait for me!" leorio shouted from afar.

"seems i spoke too soon," she chirped, forcing them to stop so that he could catch up.

he made comments on how he only came back to keep the three of them company while they walked up the hill. other than that, there was silence. there wasn't much to see on the way to their location. it was a boring walk for the most part and she found herself humming a quiet tune until they reached an abandoned place. she desperately wanted to explore, the eerie atmosphere drawing her in, but gon's hold tightened on her once he felt her try to slip away because he knew she probably wouldn't come back.

"what an eerie place. there's nobody around," leorio pointed out.

"no. there are many people here," said gon.

how odd. she didn't see anyone or hear anyone. were her senses that bad or was she just stupid? compared to gon and kurapika, the answer was both.

the sound of large wooden doors opening startled the group. people in ugly clothes, ugly masks, and uglier wigs rolled a wooden table-like thing out. the poorly dressed people stood next to an old lady that sat in the middle with different objects, some holding musical instruments and while the ones on the very outer edges held nothing at all. the thought of a small concert made cosmo think back to olympus. would they sound good? she hoped so. she missed when apollo played music to liven up her days.

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