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It's October 17, 2020. Good morning, Have a blessed saturday! Don't forget to always pray!

Maybe I'll be posting 1000+ words only today. I'll try to post an update every two to three days. Hihi

Please always support my first story. You'll be getting a lesson that will change your perception towards life.

By the way, I am promoting and sharing God's word to every teenagers.

Now that 2020 is full of tragedy...

Let's spread the God's word to motivate youth to surpass depression. Suicide is not a joke.

If you are reading this message, please be strong enough to handle all your worries. Always remember that Jesus is always there for you no matter what. Don't end yourself. Everyone loves you. Jesus loves you. Suicide is not a solution to your problem. Have faith and pray always!

"Cast all your worries upon Him because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7


Enjoy reading!


" 'Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but through me.' - John 14:6

Jesus is indeed a Savior. He save us through crucifying Himself at the cross. He loves us yet some people does not believe in Him.

Some people telling themselves they have faith yet it alters to what they're doing.

People are giving up in just a small circumstances because they do not trust God's Plan for them.

Many teenagers are killing themselves because they are lacking of faith.

Every individual is finding their happiness through worldiness.

They do not see how Joy they'll feel when they walk with Jesus.

People are blind and arrogant for denying the truth that Jesus is our only Lord and Savior.

Some knew yet still not believing, maybe to see is to believe?

Some do not know and not in ever. Well, Arrogant people plays the role of being arrogant forever.

Some do not know and want to know. People who want idea only not to call themselves arrogant. Pride is always leading the mind of every person.

Some want to know because it speaks the truth–Once a blind but now can see...

Choose where you belong.

Salvation is a personal acceptance. No one can say that you are save. Yourself only. No priest, No pastor, even your family and friends.

If you want to be save, talk to Jesus. He's the only one who knew how you feel. He's the only one who knew you are saved.

Do not be blind of truth forever because anytime soon Jesus is coming...

Let's bow down our head as we pray to our God..." Pastor

I close my eyes as I heard our Pastor.

It's another sunday. Another day of blessings. I thank God for being with me everyday.

I am doing this for almost five years. I've been blind since I was a teenager. Five years ago, my mind grows with questions about religions.

Now, I understand a lot. No religion can save us. Only our faith with God. And that's the truth. I am saved now.

Fivr years ago, I am afraid of death. Now, I figure out that we should not be afraid, for our souls will cast upon in heaven.

Without Jesus, myself was so dark and plain.
With Jesus, I am more contented and joyful in life.

Police Series: Detain my heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon