05: Eros (Reading List)

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Eros - Romantic & Passionate Love

In Greek myth, Eros was the son of Aphrodite (goddess of love) and Ares (god of war). His older myths described him as a primeval force derived from Chaos (or nothingness) itself. He is the personification of desire and sexuality. He represents not only passionate love and sexual attraction but also the passionate desire for all that is good, true, beautiful, and meaningful. He is the sole driving behind all great discoveries from science and art to heart and spirit.

In the present day, Eros relates strongly to physical love based on sexual attraction between two people. It could also be interpreted as "love at first sight" and this type of love & attraction is typically the first step of a relationship. However, if the relationship cannot move past this superficial stage, it will not last. Loveless sex can only last so long.

For our reading list, Eros is mostly reserved for mature-rated stories. However, that is not a solid requirement. If your book relates to more of passionate love, desire, and to an extent sexual attraction then this is the category it belongs to.

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