06: Pragma (Reading List)

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Pragma - Enduring love

Ancient Greeks saw Pragma as a more mature love that revolves around having a deep understanding between partners. It was considered as the longstanding love that required compromises, patience, and tolerance to make the relationship work.

In the present day, Pragma is the love that highly values practicality in a relationship. It mainly focuses on relationships done for practical reasons, rather than traditional love. Relationships that started for shallow reasons may fit this type of love given that they grow into a more maturing form of their initial love for each other. Oftentimes, this form of love may not work if either of the partners fails to live up to the expectations of their idealized version of themselves. While it is a love built on commitment, understanding, and long-term best interests, it can end up in disappointments.

For our reading list, Pragma is reserved for stories where love focuses on the practicality of the relationship rather than traditional love. If your book relates to more of enduring love or shows a fake or arranged relationship turn into something real then this is the category for you.

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