Her blue stained lips | Kirari Momobami x Male Reader

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Art found on: alphacoders.com under the tag kirari momobami, if you are the artist or know the artist. Please tell me so I can take it down or ask for permission to use it.

Sorry if its not up to expectations or if it is too OOC! I tried my best to write fluff that matches Kirari's character. And alsoa sorry if you think its too short, im working on making my fics longer.

Summary: Reader takes a moment to remember how his life led up to this moment.


Her blue lips, something that would always catch (Y/N)'s attention. Starting from his first year it always did. But now he's in his third year, same as her. And his want for those stained lips never faded.

But his life never was easy, was it? He had competition. And of course it was her secretary, she never made it easy for him. Whenever he tried to approach the president she would always interrupt. Saying something about her having a meeting. He wasn't naive enough to believe her.

When gossip started spreading about the president jumping off a building after the Igarashi, he felt disgusted. Why did she have to do that? Luckily nothing happened to either of them. He didn't want them both to get injured, even if he disliked the other.

"Are you alright?" A voice, deep and mature asked, but it didn't seem concerned. Bringing the third year back to the present. He looked up to the source and relaxed. He remembers that he's not in the past and that he's with her, in her room and house. Sitting on her couch while he waited for her to finish showering.

"Yes! Yeah! I-I'm fine...." He coughed into his fist between the sentence.
"I'm great." He repeated, less nervous and more sure with his response.

The platinum haired girl chuckled with a tone of amusement. The floor creaking with each step she takes towards the couch the male was sitting on.

"Did I take too long?" Kirari asked with her usual teasing tone as she sat beside him pulling him close with an arm around his waist, it might have been strange to see this from an outsiders perspective. But neither of them cared, they were alone in the dark room. The only lights in the room were from the window and the glass door leading to her balcony.

"No. No, not at all. Please don't think that way." The man tried to convince her, even if she didn't need any convincing.

Kirari chuckled again, with her arm still on his waist. She pulled him closer and leaned into him. Her face was rid of makeup, and her nails were stripped of polish. He liked her this way, some may confuse her with her sister. But in his opinion they looked nothing alike.

"You look better when you're nervous." She teased. Making the male blush red, the complete opposite of her color.

"I..." he didn't know what to say, so he looked down at her face. The face which lacked her color. The beautiful shade of blue he longed for. And the longer he stared at her the more he realised. He didn't long for her blue lips, he didnt long for her blue nails running up and down his hair, and he didn't long to stare into her pretty blue eyes.

Instead, he found out he longed for her love, her affection, he longed for her in general. He loved her, and he knew she loved him too while he kissed her non-stained lips and put a hand up to hold onto her unbraided hair gently, when he put his other arm around her waist to deepen the kiss. And when he pulled away he looked into the blue eyes she had before holding her close, he didn't want to let go at all.

Because God, he loved everything about her. From her beauty to her cunning personality and her want to rule over everybody. And he knew he would help her every step of the way until he did.

For the entire night he never let go of her. And neither did she. She never showed anybody her actual emotions, mostly because she found the topic of emotions trouble and useless. But that changed, even if slightly, but she still didn't show it. He didnt mind though, he was sure she loved him just as much as he did even without showing it.

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