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"Wait! You stupid brat!"

The male was running at full speed through the dark alleyway, running away from the scary looking males behind him. He knew that something like this was going to bite him in the ass one day, but what he didn't expect was to have a drug lord coming after him. "I'm going to kill you Lukes." the small males spits out. He runs into a dead-end, "Crap..."

He looks around and he sees a door that was slightly cracked open. He quickly heads inside the building and sees two doors. He didn't know which one would lead him inside the hotel, so he picks the one on the right. He opens the door and sees a long stairway leading up to the roof, "Shit, I picked the wrong one..." he mutters under his breath.

He didn't have time to go back now so he runs upstairs. He was only 20 steps up the stairs when his small doe ears picked up the sound of the males on the other side of the door, "Where the hell did he go!" The door suddenly burst open and one of the males spots the deer hybrid heading upstairs. "He's heading up to the rooftop!"

The male quickens his pace up the stairs, only hearing the sound of his own breathing and heart. Up ahead he sees a cart full of trash bags. He took one and threw it over the stairs hitting one of the males, "What the fuck!" He takes a bigger bag and kicks it, hoping that would slow them down and he continues to runs upstairs.  

As the other three males run up to catch the male heading towards the roof, another male with purple hair looks over at his boss, "That idiot, he's running up towards the roof. There's no escape for him now." The black-haired boss looks over at his right-hand man, with a bored expression, "How boring. Here, I thought he would entertain me for a while."

The purple-haired male shakes his head and scoffs, "Stop kidding yourself. You knew he wasn't going to last long. I assume once he gets to the top he'll freak out since there's no escape. Then when we get up there he'll be begging for mercy just like all the others. No one has ever escaped from you. The biggest drug lord in South Korea, Min Yoongi." Yoongi smirks and takes a drag of his cigar, "You're right, Namjoon. I'll make him scream and cry for getting involved in my dealings. Then kill the brat out of mercy." Then both males head upstairs towards the rooftop where the other male is now.

The brown-headed male reaches the top of the rooftop and opens the door. He was immediately hit by the cold evening air and he blocks the door with a wooden chair since that was the only thing around. He franticly looks around trying to find a way to escape but there was no emergency staircase anywhere or any safe way to get down the rooftop.

He runs towards the edge of the railing of the rooftop and looks down to see if there was another way down but before he could do anything else the door was slammed open, making the male gasp and turn around. The three males that were chasing him were glaring at him next to the door.

One was covered in dirty trash glaring daggers at the brown-haired male, "You're going to pay for throwing trash on me." the males growls making his bunny ears pop out in frustration, but before he could do anything a voice tells to calm down. "Calm down, Jungkook."

Jungkook bows, "Sorry, Mr. Kim. I got carried away with my emotions." Jungkook ear's disappeared and he glares at the male, not liking how he got in trouble because of him. Yoongi looks at the male in front of him with an emotionless expression, "Nowhere to run. Caught like a deer in headlights."

The male narrows his eyes at the black-haired male, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, but was caught off guard by what the drug lord said to him, "I'll let you go," The male near the railings raised his brow in speculation, "Just like that?" Yoongi shakes his head and chuckles dryly, "Of course not."

He looks directly into the young male's eyes with a cold look, "I'll let you go if you beg and cry on your knees for forgiveness." He says darkly. The small male scoffs and glares at the drug lord. "Not in a million years, you old grandpa. Being chased by a bunch of old geezers." The male holds tighter to the railing and looks below him. With a cheeky grin he looks back to the male, "Please, I've been in worse situations." Swiftly he jumps over the railing disappearing below.

"He jumped!?!" Jungkook says in shock not believing what he just saw. Yoongi runs to the edge of the railing and looks down to see the male holding on to a sign of a building. The male looks up at the drug lord and sticks his tongue out, "Kiss my ass grandpa." Then he let's go and drops down landing on a tree. He quickly jumps down, running into the busy city street disappearing from his sight.

"We'll go after him, sir!" Jungkook explains and runs down with the two other males, leaving Yoongi and Namjoon looking down at the city below them. "Damn, I guess I was wrong," Namjoon states as he was still a bit amazed at how the male actually jumped off a four-story building.

Yoongi hums then smirks, "I didn't know he had the guts to do it." Namjoon looks over at Yoongi in surprise, "You knew he was going to jump?" Yoongi blows on his cigar looking at the city street. "I didn't. Most people wouldn't think twice about jumping from this height. I expected him to obey me and beg for forgiveness like all the other that crossed my path." He takes another drag from his cigar and begins to walk back inside, "Namjoon, gather all information on the man named JUNG HOSEOK."



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