A/N and Plot!

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Hello! If you have made it all the way here, thank you for reading and I'm really grateful for that :)

This is my first fic and I'm honestly here due to quarantine haha, so do leave comments and subscribe to give me ways to improve as well as to support me!

Okay let's cut to the chase, let me explain the plot yay

Firstly, Koharu's quirk. Her quirk is petal creation. She can create petals of flowers and use them in many situations. For example, chamomile to make chamomile tea to calm Dabi down, or as a healer, use it to heal wounds and such. However, there are also petals that are harmful or toxic. They are indeed useful as a villain, but conjuring such petals does the same thing to the user's body but at a slower rate. Thus why Koharu avoids doing so and sticks only using them for their good benefits. But when it came down to protecting her own life or Dabi's, her protective character chooses the latter.

Koharu's full name, Fujisaki Koharu, represents the bright sun that shines in late summer. It symbolizes her character, the light in some people's lives. The bright and kind one. The late summer means that it's about to fade away, and if you have read the story, you will know what I mean hahaha. * insert evil laughter *

Basically, Koharu and Dabi are best friends who have never called each other that. But deep inside, they just know that they understand each other. Dabi treasures Koharu but he shows his affections for her through his actions, not his words. Like when his first instinct when Endeavour blasted Prominence Burn, was to keep her protected. Dabi's affection for her also shows when he starts showing his vulnerable emotions when she is in his arms, on the brink of death.

Lastly, what do the Lillies represent?

The Lily of the Valley is a flower that is dangerous and contains cardiac glycosides, which acts directly on the heart and causes vomiting, illusion, blurriness, slow heart rates and can be fatal in some cases. Which is why Koharu used it to take down Endeavour. However, when she left it behind for Dabi, she didn't mean death. She meant to leave behind a message for Dabi. The real meaning of the flower despite it's dangerous and deadly side.

Lily of the Valley symbolizes sweetness and purity of heart.

Throughout the fic, Koharu acts almost like how a hero would. Sweet and kind, taking care of everyone's needs before her own. That's because she knows that villains aren't bad guys. They are just good guys that did bad things. And she left the flower behind to let Dabi know that, she knows he is good and has always been.

Boom! So that was the explanation of my first and pretty short fic. Haha once again thank you for reading this and do subscribe and vote to get me more noticed.

See yall soon!

𝑳𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 // Dabi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now