Red Eyes

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"ugh.." Jungkook sighed as he couldn't find a pair of pants to wear. He checked in the dryer, and luckily found a pair of black sweats, half dry. He put them on but he felt uncomfortable by the wet feeling of the pants. He sighed, and got his phone, unplugging it from a charger. He had no time to eat anything, because he had slept in late. His choreography teacher told him today was going to be a big day, because they would have assigned dance partners. The entirety of his dance class were boys. 'being gay is hard' Jungkook thought to himself. 

Jungkook got his keys, and headed out. He arrived at the building, and took his jacket off. He parked his car, and got out. As he walked to the building, he could feel him being watched by someone. He looked around and heard a car honking. He was on the side of the road. "Sorry!" Jungkook yelled at the driver, then walking back to the building. He opened the door, and headed to his class. He walked through the building with boring white walls and slick white-tiled floor. He took a deep breath, and walked into class. 

He hadn't come as late as he thought; there were a few people stretching. He walked over, and started stretching with them. "Hey Kookie, you find a boyfriend yet?" Jimin questioned in a mocking tone. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No. I'm too ugly for that." Jungkook said, giggling. "You're not ugly Jungkook, what are you talking about?" Jungkook looked in the mirror at himself, viewing his own features. He had never felt so ugly before. (me too Jungkook) Jungkook got startled by the teacher announcing something. 

"So today class, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The guy standing beside her had pale skin, wavy black hair that covered his eyes, and a perfect jawline. "H-hi I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." The boy said. He had a pretty deep voice and Jungkook was staring at him for a long time. He looked so.. perfect. Jimin laughed, and hit Jungkook, making him mad again and remembering reality. "You catch feelings too quickly, Junk." Jimin said, laughing with a squealing noise. "What even is that nickname?" Jungkook asked, giggling along too. "Young boys, stop laughing. We have been waiting." The teacher said in a rude tone, making Jungkook wanna slap her.

The two stopped, and listened to her. "Now, I am going to give you assigned partners. If you don't accept your partner, you can work and do the choreography all on your own." The teacher picked up a paper. "Now, spread out. Once I call two peoples names, you both will go and be partners with each other." Jungkook stood up with the rest of the class, kind of nervous. "Jimin and.." Jungkook wanted to be partners with Jimin so badly, he prayed and prayed to get him. "Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin and yoongi, please come up." Jungkook sighed and looked down on the ground as he heard other names be called. Who else would he be partners with? All the people he knew in the class already had partners. 

"Jungkook and.." Jungkook's heart raced, looking desperately at the teacher. "Jungkook and Taehyung. Jungkook and Taehyung. Please come up." Jungkook's breath hitched. Jungkook was basically the only human in his class. Jimin is a witch, Namjoon is a werewolf, and Jin is a vampire. He walked over to Taehyung, walking fast, but it felt like hours and hours of walking. Jungkook sat next to Taehyung, sitting criss-cross. He looked at the paper Taehyung was reading. It was the dance choreo they had for the performance.

Jungkook leaned in to read the paper, so Taehyung's face was blocked from reading it by Jungkook's head. Taehyung raised a finger, and pushed Jungkook's head away. "So umm it looks like we have to uhh.." Jungkook's eyes widened at the paper. "So you have to put your hands on my shoulders like this. Taehyung grabbed jungkook's wrists and put his hands on his shoulders. Jungkook was so flustered he was speechless. "and then you would switch your hands and make this criss-crossy thing, and go back." Jungkook made the hand movements on Taehyung's shoulders, and chuckled, feeling so accomplished. 

The rest of the time, Taehyung and Jungkook were practicing the choreography on the paper. The whole time, Jungkook felt very flustered and embarrassed. "Alright! Everyone! This class is over, so make sure to go home and practice, even if you don't have a dance partner at home." The teacher clapped for the class to dismiss. Jungkook basically darted out of the dance room, heading for the exit to outside already. He said bye to all his friends, and headed to his car. The air was now very cold. He shivered, and got into the car, immediately turning on the heat. 

Jungkook started the car, and was now driving off as it was almost night. By the time he got to his apartment, it was dark outside. Jungkook got out of the car, and looked up, gazing at the stars. He looked down, and headed for his apartment. It felt and looked creepy outside when it was dark. He could barely see anything. He heard something rustling in the bushes, he turned his head and looked. It was just a bird. It was dark so early because it was supposed to storm, so all the birds are still out. Jungkook was walking basically who knows where now, because it was so damn dark and there weren't many street lights. Jungkook felt footsteps behind him, sounding like heels of some sorts. He tried to walk away from whoever it was, but it was now so dark that he couldn't even see himself. He suddenly felt himself get pinned against the wall, slamming into it. He was now breathing so hard like a mouse being hunted by a cat. He tried to see the person who pinned him, but all he could see were a pair of glowing red eyes.

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