The Pain

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Jungkook scrambled and tried to escape from the creature, but it was no use. The creature then held Jungkook's head with one hand and his shoulder with the other, exposing his neck. Jungkook was breathing heavily, trying to get out from the grip, but it was no use since the creature was incredibly stronger than him. He felt a very sharp pain as if someone had stabbed him on his neck. He moaned loudly in pain. 'I guess this is how vampires see me I guess, just a food source' Jungkook thought as the vampire was still drinking his blood. The vampire bit the wound a little more, making Jungkook moan loudly, almost like a scream. The vampire pulled out and began licking the wound. The vampire seemed to glance at Jungkook, narrow it's eyes, widen it's eyes, and run away. Jungkook was standing there, leaned on the wall. Jungkook's legs and entire body began to feel weaker and weaker, and he eventually fell to the ground, everything fading to blackness.

Time skip

Jungkook woke up to see a bunch of people surrounding him, and trying to get him to wake up. Everyone started to smile when they saw his eyes open up. Jungkook sat up, and stood up. He looked like a zombie, but even more dead. He hated the amount of people there, so he sprinted away. He barely remembered anything from last night, or how he got there. It had all felt like a blur. Still running, Jungkook began to feel heavier and heavier. And heavier. He tripped, and fell, fell for what looked like miles down. He could feel his heart race, faster, and faster.

"Jungkookie! You're awake!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook after he had sat up from his nightmare, heart still racing. "Where am I?" Jungkook looked at Jimin cluelessly. "You're in a hospital dummy. What does it look like?" Jungkook nodded at Jimin slowly. "Wait, how did I get here, why am I here?" Jimin laughed at Jungkook. "Well, it's kinda a long story. So, I was doing some stuff in my room and that new kid, Taehyung called me and told me you got hurt and were laying almost lifelessly on the ground." "Wait, how did he know I was there?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Oh umm he actually lives close to you, at those same apartment buildings." "Okay, continue?" "Oh yeah so I was very worried for you, so I went there were Taehyung saw you at, and I called the hospital to come get you so yeah." "How did he know your number?" Jungkook looked at Jimin. "Do you not remember, the dance class has a group chat." Jungkook nodded, and looked at the ground as Jimin was still ranting. He was trying to remember what all happened last night.

"Hey Junk, are you not listening to me?!" Jimin yelled and then pouted like a toddler. "I'm listening, go on." Jungkook sighed. "Anyways do you know how you got those wounds on your neck? They look pretty bad, but the doctor stitched and cleaned them up." Jimin said, pointing to the side of Jungkook's neck. Jungkook's eyes widened. Last night. "How long have I been here?" Jimin looked at the ground, almost hesitant to give a reply. "Um about 5 days.." Jimin looked at jungkook pretending to smile. "WHAT!?" Jungkook practically screamed. "Yep. And I thought Yoongi sleeping 22 hours was a long time." "Does everything have to be about Yoongi?" Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jimin. "Pretty much. Ever since we got partnered together for dancing, I somehow turned gay." Jimin started laughing very hard and smiling. "His little face is so cute, he teases me a lot, and he's just perfect. Jimin said every single word enthusiastically, making Jungkook cringe hard. "Anyways, can I go now?" Jungkook felt so annoyed and he just wanted to go home. He had missed college work, and dance practice. Dance practice.. Shit, shit. "The nurse said you can go anytime now, but she gave me these pills and told me to give them to you to take everyday for the pain. Jungkook felt relieved, knowing that he could go home. He took the pills, hugged Jimin, and walked out.

Time skip

Ugh, It's Thursday.

Jungkook got out of his bed lazily, and checked the time. It was 7:23 AM. He packed up all of his stuff, and drove to College. He sighed, walking into the classroom. It suddenly bursted with joy and excitement. Everyone went to hug him, and ask him if he was okay. Once that was over, it was time for boring, boring class time. 

Time skip (lunch break)

Jungkook walked into the lunchroom, Jimin and his friend he didn't really know much, Hoseok, by his side. He got his lunch, and sat down with them. "So Jungkook, how old are you?" Hoseok asked. "I'm 21 right now." Jungkook said, eating his subway sandwich. Hoseok seemed to stare at Jungkook for a long time, looking confused. "What's wrong, is it bad that I'm 21?" Jungkook said with a mouthfull of sandwich. "No, what's that on your neck?" Hoseok pointed to his neck. "It's just an injury." Jimin rolled his eyes at hoseok. "Fine, sorry.." Hoseok said, but still looking at his neck. "So Hoseok, what's your creature?" Hoseok smiled at him. "I'm a werewolf." Hoseok proudly said. "What about you?" Jungkook took a deep breath. Shit, what was he supposed to say? "Hoseok, he's a.. witch." Jimin said, scratching the back of his head, trying to help Jungkook out. "Okey." Hoseok continued eating his lunch. 

Time skip again (end of school/college day)

Jungkook drove to his apartment. He arrived home at about 4:20 PM. He got out of his car, and headed to his apartment. Today was a pretty fun day. He saw a figure watching him, and walking towards him. He backed up, this was not going to happen again. Jungkook quickly ran away, making the creature follow him. Eventually, the creature pounced on Jungkook, them both rolling and rolling until the creature was on top of him. "Hi. I'm Chanyeol, who are you, you must be new here." "Oh umm hi I'm Jungkook. I moved in here a few weeks ago." Chanyeol nodded, and got off of Jungkook. He looked at Jungkook and said "You look like a human." Jungkook looked at the ground and felt his heart drop. "Are you a human?" Chanyeol stopped and looked at him. "Well yes b-" "That's great. Glad to know there's at least one. Well anyways, it was nice meeting you, I gotta go." Chanyeol suddenly disappeared. Jungkook walked to his apartment, only to see someone unexpected. Taehyung?? "Hey, J-jungkook was it?" "yeah." Jungkook replied looking at him. "I brought you some desert since well you got injured." Taehyung looked at the case of cupcakes in his hands. "I'm sorry that happened to you, so can I come over and teach you all the choreography for our dance lessons?" Taehyung asked, raising the cupcake case to Jungkook. "Um sure. Thanks for the cupcakes.." Jungkook took them gently out of Taehyung's hands and unlocked the door to his apartment. They both walked in. "So do you live here.. Alone?" Taehyung asked with an eyebrow raised. 

"Yeah. It gets lonely sometimes, but I get used to it you know?" Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung. He looked at every feature. His nose that was shaped like a long triangle, his eyes that were usually covered by his black hair, his sharp jawline, and his perfect lips. He licked his lips, looking like a lizard. "So um Jungkookie, do you have any friends other than Jimin?" Jungkook looked down, then at Taehyung, and that's when they made eye contact. Jungkook was dumbfounded as hell, sitting there with his mouth open and his eyes wide. "So are you gonna answer, bunny?" 


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