Awkward 👉👈

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"shit, my phone"

Jungkook had left his phone at his house. There could be texts from his friends thinking that he ignored them or they could have killed themselves! Jungkook started hyperventilating and felt dizzy with anxiety. He shoved the blankets off of him, headed out the door, and ran to his house.

He had no idea what time it is, he had no phone of course. He soon reached his door, out of breath, falling to his knees. He felt tired, he hadn't slept. He unlocked the door, nearly falling into the house. He looked on the kitchen table and saw his phone. He didn't have any notifications. He was disappointed.

He sighed. 'I mean it IS night time.' he thought. He took his phone, and passed out on his bed.

He woke up and looked at his alarm clock. It was 1:23 PM. "I guess I'm missing school today.." He sighed. He missed his friends and he had already missed 5 days of school which wasn't a problem, since he usually missed a lot of school. He laid down on his back and stretched while making a weird grunting sound. He yawned and went on tiktok for about an hour. He put his phone down, and got up to go to the kitchen.

He grabbed a big bag of fruity pebbles and poured it in his bowl. He went to the fridge. "FUCK!" he yelled. There was no milk left. He tried to get himself to calm down, but he was having a shitty couple of days. He punched a vase that he had in his sight. It was satisfying to see it fall to the ground and break, but he still had some anger left in him.

He saw a chair and threw it at his wall. The chair made a big hole in the wall and it made a loud noise. He sat on the ground, and hid his head in his hands. He started crying, He stopped crying, his eyes teary and red. He took the chair and stood it up. He swept up the vase and looked at the dry cereal in the bowl. He put the cereal back in the box, and put the bowl in the cabinet. He sighed and grabbed a cheese stick from his fridge. He watched more tiktoks on his phone while eating the cheese stick. He was wearing grey boxers and a loose dark grey t-shirt. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Once he was done, he took a shower.

He checked the time. The time was 3:46 pm. School was over. He texted Jimin.

JK: Hey bro can I come over?

JM: Oooooihgu maajuuybwbeee

JK: I'm sorry what?

JM: Nashsjwhw I beetcchhh III looveveve yoyobghffifi

JK: Nevermind

JM: waiitt nooo dobtntn gooo,#


JM: mayyybbebeee

JK: Why this bitch always drunk

JM: wot?

JK: nvm

Jungkook had to go to Jimin's house. He was drunk, and he usually doesn't go well with being alone while drunk.
Jungkook grabbed his keys, and went to his car. He drove to Jimin's place. Now, Jimin was a rich kid. He had a nice house and was able to afford all of his college bills. Jungkook on the other hand.. His parents kicked him out of their house when he was 15 and left him some money. Why you may ask, he was gay. Anyways, he soon arrived to Jimin's house when he noticed a car he didn't recognize. That's weird. He thought.

He got out of his car and knocked on Jimin's front door. After about a minute someone opened the door. Jungkook did not know this person.
He had black colored hair and small eyes and pouty lips.
"Can I help you?" The guy asked him.
"Oh yeah I'm here to see Park Jimin?" Jungkook asked him.
"And exactly why, who are you?" The guy asked him, crossing his arms, looking tired.
"Well I'm Jimin's best friend, I texted him since I skipped school today and he seemed drunk, so I wanted to check on him."
The guy nodded.
"And what's your name?" The guy asked, about to close the door.
"My name's Jungkook. What's your-"
He got interrupted by the guy closing the door on him.

He was beyond angry. Who was this guy, and why was he with Jimin and being rude and why did he just shut the door on him!

He knocked on the door again, the guy opening it up.

"I don't know why you're being so annoyi-"
"I have one fucking question. What is your name?" Jungkook said with a tenseness in his voice.
"Hmph. Tell me yours first." The guy replied with a sluggish voice.
"My name's Jeon Jungkook."
"Cool. My name's Min Yoongi, now go."
"Hey! Why can't I see Jimin, he's my best friend?!"
"Because I said so."
Yoongi slammed the door in Jungkook's face once again.

Jungkook sighed and went back to his car. He drove there for nothing. And who is this Yoongi guy? 'Jimin has to explain when he's not drunk.' Jungkook was so confused. Was this guy.. Jimin's boyfriend? Jimin? Boyfriend? No. Why would jimin lie about being single?

He also got a really bad feeling from the yoongi guy. He had a creepy, weird feeling. Jungkook arrived at his apartment only to see Taehyung. He was walking to his car to probably go to dance practice. Jungkook thought he should probably go too, even though it would be awkward for the two.

Jungkook went into his house to get on his dancing stuff, and once he was ready, he went to his car and drove to the dancing studio.

Once he got there, he parked his car and went in. He saw some other people stretching and went in awkwardly, keeping his face hidden.
"Hey, Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled, which caught his attention.
"Why are you so droopy today, who hurt your feelings?" Namjoon said in a mockingly worried tone.

"No, I'm just tired." Jungkook said still trying to cover his face.
"Are you sure no one upset you?" Namjoon turned his head sideways.
"Yes, I'm sure hyung." Jungkook laughed.
"Come stretch with us, it doesn't look like Jimin's here today." Jin sweetly said, putting his arm around Namjoon's shoulder.
"Yeah, sure..."

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