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utter insignificant words with ur falsified, most polysterene, vacant frank expression & i'll show u my feigned emotional breakdown. not a single repulsive scaled crocodile can achieve this level of messed up. don't try n beat me at this game.

i can see thru flourescent teeth n jet black hair.

c'mon. look right here. in between my eyes.
don't give me that bull.

u threaten the bile that is rising from the back of my throat to spill onto my mortified pain receptors &other specialized nerve endings.
u gave me an incentive, i'm breaking records.

they think im a guranteed mentally disordered, think i messed my brain up real bad bcz
im 15 n i dont wanna die, n i dont wanna die n i dont wanna die and i dont wanna and and

i threw all my self-indulgent liking 4 a narcissist. i tore all the butterflies in my digestive system 4 indecipherable memories when i ignored all our subtle collisions.

trynna extort my mouth 4 money up on the black market but it aint worth shit.

im trying hard to convince myself im not a gdmn asshole cuz all i ever wanted from u were the bad memoriez.


adolescent angerWhere stories live. Discover now