•pet goldfish•

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stop beating me up.

recognise the way u bide my time,
no intermission, want me to get on my knees & come up
with a deplorable white flag.
but im not in distress.
calm down, u'll injure ur brass knuckles.

if this is all u got, ill forever piss my pants laughing.

ur physical affliction aint got shit on me,
ur corporeal anger's not worth my time driving here, pain tolerance increases everytime i see ur stupid sissy face.
Ur compulsive obsession with my ruptured blood capillaries' n costal cartilage starting to lose its charm. it's my turn to offer little to no condolence.

deragatory session. ur face is offensive.
almost can't believe i let a bellyacher piece of shit wimp send me rock bottom. i'll cut u off.
stop calling my house.

u can cry all u want to, snot all over ur face i dont care. i got shit to do, polysterene plants to water, pet goldfish to feed. i dont have all the ribs in the world.

im not wasting any more time. alright?

adolescent angerWhere stories live. Discover now