Because Reasons

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I pull into the Maccy D's drive-thru, turning my music way down. I'm ravenous and still desperately craving after the ribeye sub from Citreena's Bistro, but after walking in there to be stared out by both Choirboy and Preacher, fuck that shit! A Big Mac will have to do.

It does occur to me, though, as I'm paying and then driving out the other side, that with the irrefutable evidence of Sebastian being out and about, now would be an ideal time for me to call in on Ashleigh, extending my Dad's invitation and presenting my case.

I'm in no rush to return home. Mum has Kathryn around for drinks while Dad's out dining with clients. I escaped as soon as I'd settled Christopher down to sleep, and I reckon I have at least another two hours to fill before Dad returns home and Kathryn leaves.

However, the farmhouse is completely dark when I roll up on its drive, and it's not yet even eight pm. An immediate sense of relief rushes me at the thought that no one's home like it's surely a sign; this whole endeavor is a mistake I should not be making. Except, I've already tried swaying Dad, and he's having none of it.

Nothing happens for almost three minutes after I've knocked. I'm about to turn and head back to Roxy when Ashleigh's voice rumbles through the door, her tone several shades lower than usual. "Who dat?"

I'm mildly amused by her attempt to sound menacing. "Just me. The Bogey Man," I reply.

Within a minute later, the door swings wide, and Ashleigh's grinning at me. "Oh, thank Christ!" She says, resuming her regular pitch. Her fluffy dressing gown slung on over her clothes, she's tied her pink hair up in a messy bun atop her head. "There's nothing scarier than being home alone except having someone call unannounced while you're home alone! Come on in."

"I can't stay long."

"Nothing new there, then." She motions down at my trainers as I step inside, and I obediently kick them off, bending to line them up beside the doorway, then she leads me through the disorienting maze of turns and corridors to the lounge. "Sebastian's out with his mum, and I don't know when to expect him home, but he'll likely be in a foul mood. Fair warning."

I think of the woman I saw him with at the bistro, copper hair and hazel eyes a near match for his. I took only a glance, but he didn't appear to be in any worse of a mood than I've thus far seen from him. He also didn't look set to leave anytime soon, so I think I'll be okay. "And... Judy?"

"At the hospital," Ashleigh shrugs, pushing open the door. "Another late shift."

I step past her, into exactly the same level of chaos as the previous times I've been here. "I need to ask a favour."

Her face lights up. "Really?"

"Yeah." And that's as far as I get before every other line of the script I've rehearsed in my head disappears. I abruptly lose my nerve alongside. My eyes flit restlessly around the clutter, but nope, I don't find them there.

"Well?" It takes only a moment for Ashleigh's excitement to morph into an impatient stare of confusion. "Spit it out, then. What can I do for you?"

"You know what, never mind. It's ridiculous."

But her next move tells me, in no uncertain terms, that I'm not being let off so easy. My foot has barely lifted toward the door when she swings it shut and presses her spine against it.

Still, I follow through on my step. "Seriously, forget it."

"Nu-uh, Craig," she says, a challenge reshaping her smile. "You can't dangle out a treat and then just snatch it away from me like that. It's cruel."

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