Chapter 12

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(Izuku's POV)

I had finally arrived downstairs, and there weren't a lot of people. I could see Kirishima, Sero Kaminari, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu... Wait. URARAKA!

"Sigh" Of course she would be here, and 'course I can't entirely ignore her. She is not only my best friend, but also when she wants something she gets it.

I made my way to the kitchen to see what was there to eat in the fridge and cabinets, so I decided on some plain cereals with milk. 

I picked the ingredients along my favorite bowl with All Might, and to prevent god even knows what, I got seated on her right at the table.

Uraraka: Thank you for making this easier Izuku! Also good morning!

Izuku: Yeah, good morning to you too Uraraka.

Uraraka: Before I start questioning you, mind explaining to me what is this? And also, it's not that you do not look cute in it, you're both very adorable if I may say so.

As I was putting the spoon in my mouth, I watched closely at Uraraka's movements wondering what was she talking about, and saw how she pulled out her phone. 

Afterward, she pointed at a picture from last night and I almost choked on my breakfast. I was at a loss for words. I, the one who mumbles all the time and can barely stop talking. 

I did expect some strange questions, but just one picture exceeded my expectations. I was so shocked, that I couldn't hear anything from around me.

Only when someone started screaming that I was able to concentrate again on the matter at hand. And looking behind me, I realized it was Kacchan who kept shouting at Mina. 

It seemed like in their case, Mina was the one who presented the pictures to him since everyone could hear how he was trying to force her to give him the phone. 

Uraraka then shook my shoulder and restarted our previous conversation, so I averted my attention toward her.

Uraraka: Ok Deku-kun, talk.

Izuku: W-well... First of all, even if you are my best friend, I, unfortunately, can't tell you all that happened yesterday since I promised Kacchan to not say a word. And second, I will say that I really had fun and even Kacchan was maybe a little scared that you would do something to him if he were to lose me in the crowd or something. We found the squid, ate it, then played a bit, watched the fireworks, and in the end, we came back to the dorms to sleep since we were both exhausted.

Uraraka: Until that last part everything seems good, but I still don't understand why the heck were you, you know what doing. But even so, lie to me that you didn't like it since it had happened already once in the past.

Izuku: I can explain more, but I would like to be somewhere more private.

Uraraka: We could go to my room after lunch and talk some more since I also want to tell you what we did while the two of you were gone. But also, really now, what else did you do that you cannot tell me?

Izuku: Maybe some other time?

Uraraka: Buuuu. Omg, just now I realized! What happened to your hand Deku? Why did you bandage it? Does it hurt? Can you eat properly with it?

Izuku: Yes, yes I am alright. I was just clumsy as usual and fell on the ground and that is when I hurt myself.

Uraraka: Alright, if you say so. But please do tell me if you need any kind of help.

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