Forbidden Love

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(Josie's POV)

My head pains me as I am awoken by the screeching sound of my alarm. I pull myself out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I took a shower, letting all of life's stress and loneliness attempt to escape my body.

Just to my shitty luck, I cut myself shaving, and I flinch as the warm water hits, and blood makes it's way to pour.

I got out and dressed in a T-Shirt and jeans, my best look, and pulled my hair back. It may seem a bit simple, but that's what wore all the time, and it didn't feel right any other way.

When finished, I went downstairs to see my best friend, Tiana, dressed and eating some cereal. We have shared a flat for the past three years, and even though I'm still always bored, it's been the best three years of my life.

"Hey sleepy head." she says and slaps me on the butt. I make a face and point at her.

"Hey pinhead." I say and she hits me playfully and laughs. "New guy tonight?"

Almost every night she brought a new guy home and I had gotten used to the sexual sounds that would be heard a long time ago. Even the way she dressed showed her life's decisions.

Today she expressed her best makeup, skin tight skirt that barely reached her mid thigh, and a shirt that showed so much breast, chickens would be jealous.

These were the type of things she wore to school.

"No, not tonight. I may hang out with Harry, though." She says, and I groan as she takes a large spoonful of Fruit Loops.

"You really should wait for me to wake up and cook breakfast instead of you eating cereal with all that sugar." I say grossed out by her eating.

"As much as I Iove your cooking, I cant wait that long for food." she says sarcastically and puts her empty bowl into the sink for me to wash out later.

"Plus, we gotta go!" She says and grabs my hand, running out the door.

"Wait! I didnt even get to eat!!!" I panic, not wanting to starve or worse: eat school breakfast, but I end up being ignored.


When we reach the horrid schoolhouse, Tiana leaves and finds some guys to flirt with, and it takes every inch of my body for me to get my shit together and eat breakfast here since I was pulled out of the flat against my will without food.

Before I am able to take a place in line, I'm pushed out of the way.

Jillian Starson.

Her long, blonde hair sways back and forth as she laugh with the snobby group of girls who follow her around every where. Even though she had attention from every guy in this school at the moment, and I just looked like a burnt potato standing beside her, to say I envy her in any way would be a lie.

She a horrible bitch with no life. She has always found a way to make my life hell, but not this time. I'm hungry damnit!

"Excuse me, i was here first." I say as politely as possible, trying not to sart anything, which brings the wus back into my personality description.

"Sorry, bitch. Here have a drink." She says with a smirk on her face, and before I could protest, freezing cold iced coffee was being poured on my head.

Laughing is heard throughout the lunchroom, and I feel the blush creeping onto my face.

If I was a normal girl who didn't mind attention, I would have punched the hoe in the face, but no.

I'm not.


(Tiana's POV)

"Look at Josie! She soaked!!"


"Ohhhh!! Jillian got her!"

Say what?

"Shits gunna go down when Tiana comes!"

Damn straight.

I hear the commotion behind me, and I smile at the cute guys before me, then walk to the source.

A whole group of people were surrounding Jillian Starson and a soaked Josie.

Her face is red, showing her embarrassment.

"What was that for?!" Josie says, obviously still in shock. She flashes out her arms, and the liquid splashes onto the blonde girl in front of her.

"Ew, stop shaking! You got some coffee on me! Do you know how much this blazer costs?!" Jillian screams, and Josie flinches.

Don't just stand there, say something!

"Uhh," Josie says while trying to step back. She ends up tripping in the coffee, and lands in her back. Everyone around laughs, and Josie is near in tears.

This is too much.

I step in between them, literally feeling the hot steam radiating off of Jillian's body.

I help up the poor, drenched girl, and turn to the problem.

"What do you think your doing?!" I yell in Jillian's face.

"None of your business, hoe." She says and pushes me back into Josie.

"OWW." she says and stars to walk away, but Jillian gets to her first. She pushes Josie, making her fall back down. Jillian lifts up her leg, about to kick Josie in the stomach, but I step in, and punch her in the jaw before she gets a chance.

Many people flinch at the sound of her snapping jaw, and I smirk while helping Josie up.

Jillian struggles to get back up, but when she does, she punches me in the throat, making me gag. Intense pain is shot trough my neck, and everything around me starts to get dark.

Josie screams out my name, but the pain is too intense for me to completely realize or recognize my surroundings. Being the fact that my pain isn't miscible with my senses, I merely hear a scream from Jillian.

I'm kneeling on the floor holding my neck, slowly not being able to breathe as I look up, and notice that Josie has grabbed Jillian's neck and is surprisingly holding her down.

Jillian kick up her legs, making Josie fall off. She on top of her now, and throws a few punches.

Out of reflex, I run over to them, and slam her off of my best friend.

Jillian runs and grabs a heavy textbook from a random table, and runs towards me. I'm too fazed to realize what was about to happen, and before I know it, the book is thrown at me, and I'm out like a light.

************************************* A.N.

Hey guys!! This is my first Wattpad story and boy am i excited!! I hope you like it!! -Cassie:)

Almost a year later and I'm currently editing this story.

It's way better than before, so yeah.

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