Is he the father??

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(Tiana's POV)

We walk into school and Josie leaves and goes to class.

Harry turns to me.

"Bye babe. See you later." he says and pecks my lips.

"Bye." I say and he walks to his class.

I quickly go to the water fountain to get a drink.

When I'm finished I walk down the hallway on my way to class, And i notice people giving me funny looks.

I decide to go around the school and come in through the back.

As I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me, so I walk faster.

I hear a cough so I stop and turn around.

"Who's there!?!?" I scream out.

A guy walks from the bushes and comes up to me.

"It's just me Ti." he says.

"Oh thank god!! James you scared me!!" I say and hit his chest playfully.

He shifts uncomfortably but laughs. "Sorry." he says.

We start to walk to the other entrance.

"So what's up? I see you changed your look. That's cool." he says.

"Thanks...but umm." i say but I wasn't sure if I should tell him I was pregnant.

He was the last guy I was with before Harry, and I didn't want him to be nervous.

But if he was the father, he should know.....

"Can you keep a secret? And promise you won't freak out??" I say.

"Yea sure. Cross my heart and hope to die." he says making an X over his chest wit his finger.

I laugh.

"Okay....well....I'm pregnant." I say.

He stops walking and looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"W...what?" he says.

"Yea...and there's a chance you could be the father..." I say nervously.

His chocked expression turns into a smile.

"Omg, are you serious!?!?" he says excitedly.

Did he just say 'omg'?

"Yes....Uhh....why are you so happy??" I say confused he is acting like this.

"Because I could be a dad!! I've always wanted to get my family back...and now I could get a new one!!" he says and hugs me.

A let a tear fall, remembering how James' Mom, Dad, and Sister died in an accident when we were in the 2nd grade.

He had to stay with my family for a while until his aunt finally said she would take care of him.

He pulls away and looks at me, a sudden excited, yet devious, for some reason, look on his face appears.

"And maybe we could even get together!!" he says and winks.

"Oh...I'm sorry James...but I'm dating Harry." I say and his smile fades away.

"Oh...okay then." he says and rubs his neck.

"But after school we can go down to the clinic to see if your the father." I say.

His face lightens up.

"Okay!!" he says and hugs me again.

The home room bell rings.

"Awe man were late!!" I say and we both run into school and off to our classes.


'Finally 6th period is over!' I thought.

I walk out side to find Harry. When I do I run up to him.

"Hey Hazza!!" I say and hug him.

"Hey babe." he says and kisses me. "You ready to go?"

"Uhh..." I look behind Harry and see James waving at me.

"Well I'm goin to go down to the clinic with James to see if he's the father of the baby." I say, hoping Harry was okay with it.

He smiles at me.

"Okay babe no problem." he says and I turn to walk away.

"Wait!!" he says.

He grabs me by my waist, and slowly pulls me in and kisses me.

He tugs on my bottom lip, asking for entrance, and I give it to him.

He puts his hand on my cheek, then pulls away, leaving me shocked and wanting more.

"Bye Ti." he says and gets in his car and drives off.

"Byee...H..Harry." I say, still speechless.

I turn around to James, who looks a little awkwarded.

I walk up to him.

"You ready?" he says.

"Uhh...yea." I say and we both get into his car and drive to the clinic.


I sign in at the counter and sit back down in the waiting room next to James.

He is rapidly tapping his foot and looking around like someone is about to kill him.

"James. Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yea. Just a little nervous." he says.

"It'll be okay. Trust me." I say.

He smiles at me.

"Okay Tiana." he says.

A nurse comes out from the back.

"Tiana and James?" she calls.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready." he replies.

We walk into the room and get tested.

After that we wait for the results.

I start to get nervous and play with my thumbs.

James notices my uneasiness.

"It'll be okay Tiana. And if it's not me, you'll find him." he says.

"Thanks James. I hope I will." I say and he rubs my back.

The nurse that had called us before came into the room.

"Hello." she says brightly.

"Hey." We both say back.

"Well..." she says and looks at her clipboard.

She smiles and puts it to her side.

"James...." she says.

"Yea?" he says, and grabs my hand.

"Your the father!!" she says and James screams with joy and hugs me.

"Yes!!" he says.

I start to get excited too and jump up and down with him.

When we stop we both look at each other.

"I'm gunna be a dad!!!" he says.

"I know I know!!" I say.

I was so happy, that without thinking, I lean in, and kiss James.

He kisses back, but not as willing.

I pull apart, realizing what I just did.

"Uhh....we should probably go now." I say.

"Yea sure." he says.

We say thank you and goodbye to the nurse, and leave the clinic.

James drives me home and when I get inside, I think about the long story i have to tell tell Josie when she gets home.

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