So shes pregnant too?

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(Tiana's POV) 

"Umm hello. Im sorry were just joining this class." She says. I turn to 'him', who has his head down, looking ashamed to be here. 

"Well it's alright, just find a mat, and introduce yourselves." Dr. Mace says. 

As she spreads a mat out for herself, I just have a shocked expression on my face. All I'm wondering is of all the people in the world who could have gotten pregnant and came to THIS yoga class, it had to be her. And not only that, it was the guy she was with that really bothered me. 

She hasn't let go of his hand as she begins to talk. 

"I'm Jillian, I'm three months along, and this is my boyfriend, Harry." She says and he finally looks up to how a shy smile. 

His eyes suddenly meet mine, and then they widen. He looks to my baby bump then back to my face. 

He gives a small wave to me, which finally makes me tick. 

I run out of the room, and groan when I realize he chases after me. 


(Harry's POV) 

"Harry come on!!!" Jillian growls at me. I sigh, and follow her into the building where they were having some type of pregnancy yoga. I wasn't happy about coming, but I knew it was my fault we were even in this situation, and I was still going to support Jillian. 

A month has passed since she came to my front door crying, and told me she was pregnant with my baby. So far I've been doing everything for her, and day by day she's getting bossier an bossier. 

She grabs my had as we were about to enter to room. 

I felt ashamed that we were so young, so I decided to keep my head down until I was obligated not to. 

We entered the room, and Jillian began talking. 

"Umm hello. Im sorry were just joining this class." She says. 

"Well it's alright, just find a mat, and introduce yourselves" the man, who was most likely Dr. Mace, says. 

Jillian spreads out the mat, then stands back next to me, hands still intertwined. 

"I'm Jillian, I'm three months along, and this is my boyfriend, Harry." He says. I ignore the awkward feeling that i had when she called me her boyfriend, and took that as my cue to look up. 

As I did, I spotted familiar eyes glued to me. 


She had a shocked expression on her face, but I don't blame her. I would too. 

I look down to the large bump on her stomach, then back to her face. Her expression is still surprised, but there's now anger as well. 

I wave at her, and she just runs out of the room. 

I decide to run after her. 

"Tiana!! Wait!!" I say and she stops. 

"What?" She snaps as she turns around. 

"Wait...why are you so upset?" I ask and she crosses her arms. 

"I'm not upset, Harry. I'm shocked!! First, you yell at me saying I got knocked up, and then you go and knock up Jillian, of all the people of the world?!?!?" She screams. 

"I-I'm sorry." I mumble, and she just laughs at me. 

"Don't be sorry, Harry. If she's what you want, then I'm happy for you." She says. 

I didn't know what to say, because I didn't want to be with Jillian, I wanted to be with Tiana. And I know she knew that. 

"No...but Tiana," I look around to make sure no one could hear. "I want you, I always did." 

"I wanted you too. But it's a little to late," She says. "Sorry Harry." 

I sigh and put my head down, as she passes me to go back to the room. 

Why did life have to be so hard? 


As the class continued, I couldn't help but stare at Tiana and Zayn. 

I thought she was going to marry James, so I didn't even know they were together, let alone so close. 

I watched as he held onto her waist to give her support as she did the stretches that Dr. Mace told all the potential moms to do. I noticed she had gained a small amount of weight from the pregnancy, but it blended in with her figure perfectly. 

I couldn't help but feel jealousy spread over me when they both continued sneaking kisses and sharing warm embraces. I always thought that Tiana and I would end up together, but I just had to go and screw everything up. 

An annoying voice cuts me from my thoughts. 

"Harry!! Help me!!" Jillian yells in my ear. 

I groan to myself, and place my hands on her waist. 

While she starts doing stretches as well, I couldn't help but ignore her and look at Tiana..... 



That was an amazing surprise, wasn't it? 

Yea....I think so too. 

So, recently I've been writing at least three chapters before I update, and I'm going to start updating once a week, on Tuesdays or Fridays.  

So I hope that's okay.  

And keep note that the story will be ending around 50 parts. 

Also, PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS. There are A LOT of you guys reading, and id love to get feedback. 

Anyways, I hope you loved it. 


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