A changed Tiana and love

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(Tiana's POV)

After the test result to see if Harry was the father came back negative, I was disappointed.

But it didn't matter.

Harry was really swee about it and said he would treat the baby like his own.

After Josie came and we told her the news, we left and went home.


The next day I came out of the shower and brush my hair.

I look at my self and realize that I need to change if I was ever going to be a good mother.

I pulled my hair into a casual bun and walked to my room.

I pick up my makeup bag and dumped everything out except some lipgloss into the garbage.

I walk to my closet and look around.

"Oh my gosh." I whisper to myself.

I didn't realize that ALL I wore was things that would get me in jail someday.

I grab all my clothes from the hangers and all the uncomfortable stilettos and throw them in a giant garbage bag.

I place the bag outside of my room and quickly run to Josie's.

I quietly open her draws, trying not to wake her up, and get a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

I run back into my room.

When I get dressed, I looked at myself, shocked.

I looked like a whole different person.

I walked back downstairs and attempt to cook breakfast.

Josie comes from upstairs.

"Something smells really good." she says and walks into the kitchen.

"Yepp!! Made breakfast!!" I say happily.

"Wow Tiana." Josie says, taking a peice of bacon and putting it in her mouth.

"And you dressed casual today. It's cute." she's says which makes me smile.

"Thanks." I say and someone knocks on the door.

Josie answers the door and comes back with Harry.

"Hey Ti." he says and kisses my cheek.

I felt sparks fly.

"Hey Hazza." I say.

"Wow you cooked!!" he says and sits at the table ready to eat.

"Yep. I didn't even know I was capable of it." I say and make a plate for Josie and Harry.

I place it in front of them and watch them devour it.

"Is it good!?!?" I ask.

"Mmmm." they both say, not able to make out actual words.

"Well, I'm going to go take care of something real quick." I say and walk back to my room.

I pick up the bag full of clothes and walk back downstairs.

I run outside and throw it into the garbage can.

I walk back inside to see Josie and Harry leaning over the pan with bacon and eggs left in it, stuffing their faces.

They turn around when they realize I'm here.

"Sowwy." they both say with full faces.

I laugh and sit on the couch and watch some tv.

When Josie finishes eating, she goes back upstairs to get dressed.

Harry comes and sits next to me.

"I like how you look today." he says and puts his arms around me.

"Thanks. I thought it would be more momlike...."I say.

"It is. And it's beautiful." he says and I smile.

He leans in and kisses me.

When Harry and I weren't dating, the kisses didn't feel real, just pushed.

Now it's like......


I pull apart and lean on his chest.

"Thanks for being here for me Harry. It means a lot." I say.

"It's no problem babe. I love you." he says.

The words kind of shock me.

But it feels right.

I have never had a guy say 'I love you' before to me....

Only..."Thanks for the fuck." and even "That wasn't half bad."

And I knew I loved Harry...

So I went with it.

"I love you too Harry." I say and kiss him again.

Josie comes in the room all dressed.

"You guys ready???" she says.

"Yepp." I say and Harry and I get up.

We all leave and Harry drives us to school.

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