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(Tiana's POV)

I turned to the door as Zayn looked through the peep hole.

"It's the police." He says while turning to me.

"Open it." I say.

When he does, two large men in police uniforms walk in.

"Tiana Miller?" One says.

"Uhh...that's me." I say.

"The judge has chosen since the charges are small, your court date is later on today. At 2:00 pm." The other says.

"Okay. Ill be there." I say.

"Actually, you should be there an hour before, which is in 30 minutes." When he says that I look at the time and freak out.

"Umm....okay. Thanks." I say.

"We'll be waiting outside to be sure you leave on time. Have a nice day." One says and they leave the flat.

"Oh crap," I say and turn to everyone in the living room. "Go get dressed nicely guys. We don't have much time."

I start to walk away when I feel and arm grab my waist.

"I'll help you get dressed, babe." Jack whispers in my ear, making me shiver.

I push him off of me.

"No thanks." I say and walk to my room.

I take a deep breath, and search for something neat to wear.

After I'm dressed I put my hair up and walked back to the living room.

We had five minutes left and the only person ready was Niall, and Jack.

I avoided Jacks gaze and sat next to Niall on the couch.

"So Tiana..." I hastily turned to Jack.

"Yes?" I ask, annoyed.

"What ever happened to that Harry kid?" He asked.

I was shocked he mentioned him, and wasn't sure what to say.

"He's...fine." I say.

"Do you still...associate with him?" He asks.

"Umm....I don't know. I don't think so." I say and turn away.

Why did he want to know about Harry so bad?

"Okay I'm ready!!" Josie walks into the living room, followed buy Zayn and Liam.

"Okay come on let's go." I say.

I walk over to Zayn, who puts his arm around me protectively.

As we were walking out the door, I realized something important.

"Zayn? What happened to your wheelchair?" I ask.

He laughs to himself, but continues.

"Don't tell Liam about this, but I found a way to get braces instead, and I took off the casts myself." He says.

"What why?!?" I ask him.

"I hate being in the wheelchair." He states simply.

"What if you hurt yourself?"

"I'm strong enough." He says and smirks, which makes me laugh.

"Okay then." I say and we get into our cars.

We followed the policemen to the courthouse, and when we got inside I signed a lot of papers, and then was told to wait.

We all sat in the waiting room, which was awkwardly quiet.

After a while, they called my name.

"Here we go..." Liam says as we all walk in.

Zayn, Niall, and Liam sit in the back to watch, while Jack, Josie, and I sat at a table in the front.

I look over to the other side of the room, to see James smirking at me, with Henry sitting next to him.

I rolled my eyes and turned away, but not before seeing Josie and Henry share giant smiles and big waves.

I sigh, and a police officer stands in the front if the room.

"Please rise." He says and we all stand up.

The judge comes in and tells us we can be seated.

By now my heart is racing, and I'm unbelievably nervous.

I was told to stand up, and did.

I took a breath as we continued.

After a while of arguing, the sound of the gavel, and Jack speaking random crap, it was time for the jury to decide.

We sat down and waited for them to finish, and when they did, I was told to stand up again.

"The defendant, Tiana Miller, is pronounced guilty," the judge says. I sigh, and hold back tears while everyone else gasps. "The charges are small, you must pay for the damages on James' car, but due to acts of violence and self harming, custody of your children belongs to him. You are dismissed."

I couldn't hold it anymore, but tears start to fall down my face.

"I'm so sorry Ti..." Josie says and rubs my back.

I push her hand off, still upset from before, and run out of the room.

I made my way towards the bathroom, to let out the rest of my tears.

When I'm finished, I take a deep breath, and walk out.

I was about to make my way towards the front door to exit, but I hear anger in someone's voice coming from a corner.

"IF YOU DON'T GIVE THE CUSTODY TO TIANA, TRUST ME, I'LL HURT YOU." I knew that voice, it was horribly familiar.

"No. That baby is mine. I don't give a crap if Tiana had it." James says, making me clench my teeth in anger.

"Fine. But you'll pay. Trust me." The voice says and when I realized they were coming to the door I turned away and walked out quickly.

I got to my car and waited for everyone to come out.

When they were, we got into the cars and drove back to the house except for Jack, who knows where he went.

As I was driving, I couldn't help but think of what I just over heard.

What were they planning on doing to James?


A. N.

Oh snap...

That was pretty Cray-Cray.


But anyways.....this story is going to get REALLY intense soon, but I'm taking it kinda slow...

I think.

And I need you guys to do me a favor....


You sure?





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