Louis' hiding something...

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(Josie's POV)

I was sick of Harry's crying, so I left.

It may sound harsh, but he deserved it.

I needed someone to talk to.....

So I drove to Henry's house.

I knocked on the door and Louis answered it.

"Uhh...hey." he says.

"Hey. Is Henry here?" I ask.

"Uhh...no he went out on a date. But you can come in if you like, he should be back soon." he says.

"Okay." I say and walk in.

I've been to Henry's house a few times already so I just sat on the couch like normal.

I pulled out my phone and texted Henry.

'Im at your house waiting for ya. Hope you have fun on your date;)'

I smiled at what I texted and put my phone in my pocket.

Louis comes and sits next to me with two glasses of water.

"Here you go." he says while passing me a glass.

"Thanks." I say.

"So what's up?" he asks, kinda nervously.

"Well, Harry slept with Jillian and Cassie got mad at him." I say.

"Oh wow." he says.

"Yea...She was so upset, she hit him it that balls twice." I say, laughing to myself.

"What!? Ouch!" Louis says, startled.

"Yea...but it's no big deal....I mean he's probably still crying in my living room but oh well." I say.

Louis just takes sips of his water.

After a while I get a text from Henry.

'Okay cool....keep Louis company.;)'

I quickly reply.

'Whats that supposed to mean?'

After a while my phone buzzes again.

'Ask Louis...'

I turn to Louis who must have been staring at me and turned away when I looked at him.

"What does this mean?" I ask him and turn my phone to him.

He reads the texts and mutters to himself, "Dammit."

"What?" I ask but he quickly gets up.

"Nothing! Why don't we go check on that Harry kid." he says and rubs his neck nervously.

"Uhh...okay." I say and we both go back to my place.

I walk in to see Harry on the floor, talking in his sleep.

"What's he saying?" Louis asks.

"I don't even know....hold on." I say.

I walk closer to him and listen closely.

"My balls.....my balls." he says.

I burst out laughing and tell louis what's he's saying.

Instead of laughing, Louis walks up to Harry and sits next to him.

"It's okay Harry....I know it hurts." he says.

Still sleeping, Harry quickly sits up and leans on Louis, making him have a shocked expression on his face.

I'm dying of laughter at the moment so I have to take a deep breath.

I look back at Harry and Louis.

Louis is rocking back and forth hugging Harry, and Harry is still asleep talking about his balls.

I quickly take out my phone and take a picture.

I post it on instagram and tag both of them in it.

I put up my phone and laugh to myself.

Sooner or later Harry starts to wake up and his head moves up until he's looking at Louis.

"AGHHHHH!!!" he says and quickly stands up, regretting it when he feels the pain in his crotch again.

"Calm down you'll end up loosing something you care about!!" Louis says and I burst out laughing again.

"Shut up Josie!!!" Harry says and my expression quickly changes.

"What!? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?!?" I say, getting closer to him.

"Nothing Josie." he says and steps back a bit.

"Wow." Louis says and sits on the couch.

I walk to the couch and sit next to him.

Harry walks into the kitchen and comes back with a new ice pack.

He carefully sits down and breaths deeply, releasing pain.

After a while the front door opens.

"Hey Josie. Hey random hot guy. Hey asshole." Tiana says, dragging in James by his arm.

She quickly passes us, so she doesn't look at Harry...

But James doesn't do the same.

I notice him give Harry a death stare.

And Harry returns it with one as well.

When they both go to Tiana's room Harry turns to me and Louis.

"Well, I'm gunna go now. Bye guys." he says, his voice almost sounding depressed.

"Bye." we both say and Harry leaves.

"Wow." I say.

"Yea." Louis says.

"So you gunna tell me what Henry was talking about earlier?" I ask him.

"Uhh...I don't know." he says and stands up.

"Listen Josie...I'm gunna go now. Henry is probably home now." he says and awkwardly walks out the door.

I REALLY have to find out what's wrong with Louis.....


A.N. There we go!!!!! Hope you loved it!!


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