Part 1

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As we exit the metal gates freckled with peeled blue paint, the Hurd of students walks with us. We head to Harris' house, or new house as Its finally been furnished; he use to live across town from me but his father just married a new woman and she rants and raves about how his previous house was his exwives , so they've moved into a six bed, seven bath house eleven  doors down from mine.

I hate my uniform, it's ridiculous! Knee high white socks, sensible black shoes, bottle green tie that dosent clash with our black blazers with a grossly large school logo and Motto , out skirts were black aswell with a matching green check through it but they were meant to be under the knee but no one apart from year 7 and 8s kept to that. But let's just say the bottle green did NOT compliment my British features.

We head down the cobblestoned path towards a little pull in where Natalie always waits. Natalie is nice enough, Harris dosent mind her at all, he says she's the best woman that his dad has brought home yet. Natalies face is plastic, just like my mums so you can never tell what their reaction is, I guess when you live in a neighbourhood like ours and go to a "exempt" private school it's expected.

We are posh, extravagantly posh, but that only happened when we're at school, home or a soirée of some sorts. Can you guess what pretentious name I have yet? Cordelia. It's my grandmas name. Cordelia amali austen mitchm. Don't even ask. Anyways Me and Harris are like family, my mum and his went to lamaze class together and the use to be friends for years .

Natalie sits in her car, nothing less then top of the line for Archibald Barclays new wife. Harris sits willingly in the front seat
"Already got the seats warmed turned up for you" Natalie says daintily, I do agree with Harris or as I like to call him haz, she is so nice even if all of her is fake. We plop our bags in the car heavy with school essentials.
"Hiya Nat" I greet her, she insists we call her that as it makes her feel "younger" even though she's only 10 years older then me.
"Hey Cordelia, how was school today"
"Good thanks, we got our philosophy marks back. I got a 57 out of 80, which is annoying because it's just about to brink a b."
"Ahhh I'm sure you'll be able to get better next time darling, I wouldn't worry" her words sooth me unlike the words of my mother, she pushes me to do my best and I know she doing it for me but they're course and harsh, my mum and dad are still together even though 9 times out of 10 my dad will be away dealing with a business issue or something.

The car ride was bland and dry only sparking conversation when rain began to patter on the sun roof pooling in the center.

This is my first time going into haz' house and i am rather nervous. I feel like Ive never seen this house before but I drive past it atleast twice a day. It's light grey house, maybe more of a blue grey. It's tall and has a large lay out, the only time I've been there when it's was empty but I only went in the kitchen, it was like a cast of a house and the furniture is the glue that pulls it all together.

Nat opens the frosten glass door into the foyer, a large mirror welcomed you with you're reflection, sadly mine was sopping and scowling. A glass table with a slight sparkle in it was surrounded by two dirty peach arm chairs. If the rest of the house was like this I don't think I want to leave
"Guys go get a towel and dry off" Nat says. The only reason why we're soddened was because she couldn't find the right key, we were sat out there for like 5 minutes while she was flipping through her keys.

Haz leads me up the tall plain white marble stairs to the second room to the bath room. A large white stone bath centred the room and I just had the biggest urge to slide in. I did just that. It made a weird squeaking sound as I descended into the cool bath tube.
"Deils, what's cracka-lackin tonight then" Harris asked
"Well, thanks for the dad lingo but I don't really mind" I pause to sit up in the bath "pills? Maybe some bag? I'm not too fussed" another thing I forgot to mention was that I'm a big fan of being up in sky. OxyContin, xannys, ket, pingers you name it I'll probably done it, except needles, I don't do them, I draw a line.
"Maybe we just stick to bag tonight" Harris replies.
"I don't think I have any and I know you don't have any, Ill call cray and see what he's selling" I pick up the phone and call cray. We have have the briefest of conversation until we decided on 3 brownies.
"He's only got brownies" I tell harris
"Oh shit, that'll be fine I guess" he says "when are we going to pick them up"
"I think he said in like 40 minutes in the usual spot" we dry off, I pull my sports leggings out of my bag from the foyer and throw on one of harris hoodies.

"So this is the lounge" harris begins the tour, he shows me a large room with 3 black leather settees, we go through the other rooms until we finish with his, a dark navy accent wall with a book shelf on, his bed perched in corner of the room by his window, his wardrobe built in to the wall across from him. I jog a bit and sprawl out across his bed
" so harris how do feelings relate to the quality and the structure of this house" I mock our English language that we had a few hours prior
"Well ms. Mitchm i like the solid dexterity of the foundations, however the wholeness has not been portrayed in the walls yet" he jokes

We set off towards the end of the cup-de-sac where we always meet cray, they rain is light, it's almost spitting but not quite
"What you saying" cray greets us in his Vauxhall
"Yes I'm good thank you how are you" I say smiling leaning down towards his window. We all easily converse until we get our stuff and cray drives off.

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