Part 4

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I'm finally amongst my Cotten, soft duvet and decide to call Finn. It takes four rings before he picks up
"What you sayin"
"Not much i just wondered if you wanted to come over"
"Yeah yeah, I'll come over after football practice"
"Why don't you ask harris for a lift" as they play for the same team it'll be easier
"And you can stay the night. I think my mums going out with some of her yoga friends?"
"Ahhhh yeah that's sound, when she going"
"Around 8, but sneak through the window"
"Yeah yeah, I know the drill"
"Okay, text me if harris can't give you a lift"
"Innit, but me and haz are calm, he's sound you know"
"Yes Finley I do actually"
"Okay see you later then babe?"
"Bye" I have up the phone, he's a man of very few words and of the ones he uses are all slang, which is sometimes hard to understand.

I Finnish watching my tv program before hoping in the shower for the second time today, shave everywhere, as many other girls would if they're boyfriend was sleeping over. Once out the shower I lather myself with moisture and put my hair oils in and brushed my teeth again, dental hygiene is important! I change my bed sheets, tidy my room and put my washing away, even though Cynthia normally does it, just in time for me to get the "10 minutes away" text.

I sit in my mums room with her chatting as she finnishes doing her makeup
"Can I order a pizza tonight?"
"Well maybe you should eat a bit healthier then that darling"
"Mum it's one pizza, it's won't make me gain weight"
"Well I just don't want you to get use to eating like that" she walks over to her jewellery box sitting on her dresser "I picked you up a salad from Waitrose, you like those"
"I guess" I chip away the light pink nail polish until I hear tapping on my window
"Cordelia what's that?" she springs to her feet
"It's just my telly, calm down"
"I really wish you wouldn't have it so loud"
"Bye mum, I hope you have a good night" I bend down to her and kiss her on the cheek

I quickly file down the stairwell into my bedroom to see Finn standing in the window, I turn my music up a bit louder before opening the window
"Ooooo you're looking peng tonight" he climbed through the window looking me up at down
"Oh shush, how was foot ball"
"You know, same old" he kisses me on the cheek and we sit on the bed.

"Night sweetie" I hear my mum Hollar over the sound of my telly playing
"Night mummy"
"Mummy?" He scoffs
"Shut up" I giggle. We sit cuddling watching a movie, one I forced him to watch. He swoops his arm around my leg and starts to massage it
"No , Finn I'm not in the mood"
"You're Never in the mood though b"
"I am... you're just never here" I tease
"Oi stop that now" he flips me over to my back "nah youz can't be doing that to me" I prop myself up on my elbows and whisper something in his ear
"Deils, come on what did I say man" he huffs getting up off the bed "so is they're zero chance of anything happenin"
"Well I wouldn't say zero" his eyes wash with hope "but slim to non" I giggle
"Innit, since when you been a tease, I'll have to sort messen out then" he storms out of my room leaving the door open, I hear him turn the shower on and shut the bathroom door.

About 20 minutes later I hear the shower turn off, but it isn't 5 minutes till he comes out of the bathroom and into my room, hair mattered dripping slightly onto his nose, towel slung around his waist
"You ready now yeah?" He asks staring at me staring him
"Well I was then but you were in the shower" I smirk
"Come on now" he makes his way over to me pushing me down


Hi lovleys 🦋
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's reading it means a lot
Thank you for 20 reads !!!!!!!
Sorry this part has been shorter
A x

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