Part 2

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We sit on the pavement, knees touching
"Do a quarter each now and we'll do more later on" he says
"Okay deal" we eat half the brownie and waltz down the road stopping outside harris' house admiring the freshly trimmed hedges. The door dosent creek thankfully but our pattering feet up the stairs pulls mr.Barclay out of his conversation with Nat and interrogates us
"Very nice too see you again cordelia" he says with a warm smile
"Thank you felix, it's nice to see you too"
"So what have you two been up to leaving the house at this time" the clock read 8:30
"I just went home to pick up some medicine, sorry" I lie
"Oh dear, are you ill Delia, I'll call you're father now too see what he says"
"No no no, it's the pill" i awkwardly admit
"Oh ummmm sorry" he pauses timidly looking at harris with angry eyes and I can tell harris is shaking his head "are you staying the night?" He asks me
"If that's okay with you"
"You're welcome whenever" he smiles "I'm sure haz has already shown you round so you know where the guest bedrooms are, so take you're pick?" He says before heading back into the lounge

We run up the remaining stairs and into his bedroom
"What to watch" he asks
"Something cringey but good" he pulls up Netflix on his tv and swipes till he lands on "little Britain", honestly now if you've never seen it you're missing out. I flip from being on my back to lying on my front. I just reply to my snapchats and just scroll through my Instagram feed for a bit till the colours are so intense and my hearing goes funny

"Deils?" I giggle in response, I look up with my eyes heavy and a slick smile set on my face, as haz was about to open his mouth until the front door slams interrupts him and I feel it in my fingers
"Xanders back" he says rolling his eyes "he's always one to make a scene, it's absurd "
"I agree, he is a prick" I giggle and hear xanders heavy feet up the stairwell
"Wait here" I whisper and crawl over haz, I creep towards the door and wait to see xander walk up the stairs
"Alexander Corbin Barclay! What are you doing banging doors in this house hold" I scold him, he jumps at my exclamation
"Do on Cordelia!" he shouts and I burst out laughing
"Deils, get back in here" Harris is pulling my back into the room coaxing me away from xander who looks furious through my many visions.

After Harris finally gets me back into the room we both sit there giggling for what seems like forever
"Half one?" I say rolling my head off the ledge of the bed, we split the brownie down the middle, and xander comes strutting im walking all over the ceiling and walls.
"What do you to think you're doing" he asks in a accusatory tone
"Eating a brownie obviously" Harris rolls his eyes and xander places himself down in the gaming chair at Harris desk,
"I'm normally up for something stronger but I'm not bias" he takes the remaining half of a brownie from earlier and eats it
"Excuse me" I pretend to act hurt, xander wheels himself to the bed and probs his feet on it.
"What you shouldn't be eating them in this house Cordelia, should you now?" He patronises me but I ignore it.

We watch a few more episodes of little Britain in silence. It's weird amiable silence, sort of comfortable.

"It's time for me to go to bed now kiddies" xander taunts
"Xander, you do understand you're only one year older then us right?" I question him
"18 months. And don't you ever for get that chap" I look at my phone and it says 11:34pm
"Oh my goodness look at the time!" I dramatically says trying to act normal, I whip my phone up from the bed and twirl around "goodnight my darlings, sleep tight"
"No don't be stupid Deils" Harris scolds me "just get her get to bed, xander, please?" Xander pulls me towards the door
"Come on Deils, time for you're bed" he lugs me by my wrist out the door
"Night Shepard's pie" I holler at Harris
"Night lamb shank" he replied, our laughter was audible through out the whole house
"Cordie can you just be quiet now" xander hushes me
"Cordie!" I fall onto the floor into a fit of laughter.

He finally manages to get me into the large brown leather bed
"Stay now"
"I'm not tired"
"I'll stay and talk with you"
"I want to be tucked in" and with that xander tucks me in bed, he digs the covers under my arms to cocoon me in.
"Why are you so grumpy?" I ask all innocently, puppy dog eyes stained into my face
"Because I have to deal with you like this" he reply's harshly, this irritated me even though I knew it was true but It dosent mean I want to believe it. I always get too high or too drunk and xander always ends up looking after me in some way or another. However tonight it really got to me so my eye squinted and my eye brows furrowed
"Nope leave me alone" I huffed, undoing the straight jacket like duvet.
"Cordie, come on now"
"Nope. piss off" I roll onto my side so my backs to him
"Can you See now? This is What I have to put up with?" He angrily exhales before storming out the room slamming the door knowing it would frighten me in the state I was in.

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