Part 3

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I woke up with a dull, uncomfortable headache. In my drowsiness I pull my phone from the side and it reads "9:56 am" I drag my phone with me as I go to the bathroom .

After going to the toilet I text haz
"Going home to shower. Be back in 30"
"Okay let me know when you're coming back" I leave the house quietly, not bumping into anyone

"Ahhhhh Cordelia, glad to see you're finally home. A text might've been nice" my mum says snarking at my lack of communication "I had to text that new woman of Felix's" she muttered something else under her breather too low for me to hear
"I'm going back after I shower and get dressed"
"No you're not, you have other responsibilities."
"Homework, chores?" That's just plain stupidity because we have a maid to do all of that, well apart from my homework
"Haz will help me do my work" and I scamper down the hall way to my room. Luckily my rooms on the ground floor so it's easy to sneak boys in, for example I snook a boy called Kieran in last year, he goes to the public school that neighbours mine called "queen Mary's".

I hope in the shower washing myself trying to avoid my hair because it's not ready to be washed yet. After I jump out and brush my teeth and hair, I am reunited with the grey duvet and fluffy accent pillows. I crawl in between the cover not bothering to put any clothes on. After about 10 minutes of deliberation I finally put on some grey joggers and a pain dusty rose colored top and head back out

"I'm having some food in the kitchen so go there when you come back" I didn't bother replying, I put my weird ashy brown hair into I low pony, pulling some strands out so I don't look like a boy and head off.
"bye mum, see you later"
"Bye darling"

I try the supposed open door handle but It didn't work so I had to knock and about 6 seconds later it opened
"I would've throughly you have a key" xander says not moving yet
"Guess I don't, probably cus I'm such a burden to everyone" I spit back
"Listen Cordie, you know i didn't mean it. I was fucked to"
"And I've never been horrible to you" I push him out the way and walk towards the kitchen
"Ummmmm" he hesitates to the back of my head
"What now?!" I pause
"You're going the wrong way, it's too the left" my cheeks blush from embarrassment, I scowl at him and huff before walking into the right room.

The kitchen had a large grey marble island that matches the counter tops. Harris sir on the opposite side of the island eating Frosties, I join him in the seat next to him grabbing an apple from the fruit basket
"My mum asked if you'd help me with work" I ask
"You know I will" he takes his bowl to the sink that's on one of the counters "what's it on" he says returning next to me lifting himself up on the island.

Harris is stereotypically attractive, he's tall like 6'1, has nice fluffy, dark hair, A good face, he is an attractive man I won't lie, but I don't think I'd ever be attracted to him and I've seen how he is with girls I would rue the day I did take a liking him. He's nice to be in a friendship with but when he was with libby donahough it was awful! He cheated on her twice, and what tips it off is that she's in my group of girls so to keep the peace I screamed at him for her because he was in the wrong, poor Libby calling me up sobbing asking me why she wasn't good enough, but he was high when he slept with both girls in his defence but however it was still wrong.

"Adas coming over today I think." Harris tells me as he lays in bed playing warzone with his friends klein and Jason
"Ada crilley?" I reply vaguely trying to focus on my business homework
"So her and xander are actually together?"
Ada's gorgeous, she has ginger flowing locks that always manage to fall perfectly, her green eyes look like they could Pierce you're soul, but in a good way.
"No not really, I suppose this will be the decide on wether they will be today"
"So what a trail run?" I snort
"Yeah I guess"
"I'm going to leave you to you're little game, I'll probably get this done at home quicker" I say packing my equipment up

When I walk out of the room I bump into Nat
"Thank you for having me last night Nat"
"No need to thank me dear, if I'm being honest I see you as my little sister anyways"
"Awwwww Nat, I feel as if you like my big sister too. I prefer being around you more then my own mum"
"Don't be silly she loves you more then anyone" she pulls me into a tight hug before waking into the bath room.

I walk into the lounge  looking for my phone charger mumbling to myself
"Oh hi Delia" I hear her smooth voice come from behind me
"Oh hi Ada, how are you" she stands up from being in the arms of xander and pulls me into a hug.I can smell her mango shampoo.
"Good, what are you doing here" she gives a nervous giggle towards the end
"Oh I slept here"
"Wait what" she almost shrieks
"Yeah, Harris is my best friends"
"Oh of course! Harris. Sometimes I forget you have a brother xand" she returns to her previous spot on Xanders lap
"Delia, can I have a word now?" He says shoving her off him
"Well no, not really" he pulls me by the wrist and into Felix's office
"Listen can you stop acting stubborn and accept my apology please"
"Don't be this difficult"
"Ha! Here we go again, me being difficult. Sorry that I'm a disappointment to you"
"You're not disappointing just frustrating!"
"Sorry xand" I Mimic and pull my wrist away from his grasp "I have people to see, places to go"
"What? Like that chav boyfriend of yours"
"Finn is not a chav, just shut up now" I hastily walk to the front door and exit the house.

I think I've forgotten to mention Finn. He's like 5'10, which is a shame because he makes all 5'8 of me look tall, blond hair, with the typical short back and side fade, he goes to the public neighbouring school and probably my favorite quality of his is that his brother is cray. He's supposed to be in the year above me but he's got an apprenticeship in scaffolding or something similar I can't really remember now.

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