Part 5

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The sun peers through my window waking my up, my legs draped over Finn nearly dressed body. I get up gathering my underwear from the floor and putting it in my washing basket. I throw Finns shirt on, just because I'm THAT girlfriend.

Tapping on the window makes me jump and I spin around to see both barley brothers.
"Finn" I hiss while walking over to the window
"Get up"
"Morning sleepy heads" Harris greets us with a hair ruffle on my behalf
"Why yous here for?" Finn groans pulling the quilt over his head
"Just a cheery check in" xander remarks finally trailing in through the window, I climb back into bed next to Finn
"Ooooo look at you two, like peas in a pod" Harris says about to climb in next to me
"Nahhhhhh I wouldn't be doing that fam" Finn says turning onto his back and sitting up
"Sorry, I didn't mean it to be weird"
"Trust, it's calm but I'm nude, you know" "oh" he quickly jumps off the bed and moves away to the little Settee in the corner of my room, Xanders props himself up on the white chest of draws.
"So where's cathleen" xander asks examining my room
"She went out last night so she'll probably be sleeping till late morning, she got back late, like 4" I've decided to drop it with xander, i discussed it with Finn last night and he calmed me down and rationalised with me
"Jheeze, you're mum still acts like she's 20"harris adds
"Yeah, I know ahahah"

Finn stands up holding himself
"Ahhhhh Finn what do you think you're doing" Harris exclaims coveting his eyes
"Xand, toss us them boxers yeah" xander with his eyes closed tight dropped to the floor and started feeling around for them
"Warmer" i joke as his hand Scans the floor "colder, colder! Warmer. Hotter! Scolding !" And his hand touches the dark blue fabric
"I'm gonna nip for a shower so I'll be back in like 10?"
"Yeah safe" xander mocks And Finn leaves the room taking his sports bag with him
"Is it safe to come in bed now or is they're an unspecified substance in there"
"Aha" I scoff "no no"
"Wait so you didn't have sex?"xander sparked interest
"No we did, but just not in bed"
"Errrrrr" they both shoot up from their position

"Hi mummy" I say to my mum as she walks down the stairs
"Hi darling" she says before looking up
"Oh and you boys" she stairs at the 4 of us sat around the kitchen table
"Actually Cordelia, May I have a word" she ushers me into the study
"Right, so i think you should spend time with girls more then these boys, because you don't want a reputation for entertaining multiple boys at a time"
"Im just looking out for you're best interests sweetie"
"You forced me to be friends with harris and Finn is my boyfriend"
"And Finley is a nice boy, but you know what I think about him, and I never forced you to be friends with anyone! I put you to in the same room when me and Christine we're friends, and I'm sorry but if you to making friends and my social life interrupts it then IM SORRY!" She begins to raise her voice
"Mum I'm not entertaining this convocation any longer" I stormed out
"Let's Go my lovers, we have wild crazy group sex to be having" I yell so my mum can hear who's following me into the kitchen. I swing to door open and march down the street.
"Cordelia where do you think you're going!" She yells but I ignore her

"Open this car door now!" I shout from the passengers side of the car. It was Xanders car, obviously it was a new Mercedes for his 17th birthday, personalised number aswell. The boys hurry towards the car, xander flipping the keys out of his pockets and unlocking it
"Where are we going?" Finn asks
"Well we're going to take you home for starters then I'm going shopping" he hesitates for a second "do you want to come shopping?" His silence in almost a certain 'no' "then get in!" They all hurry to the car. xander starts the ignition and drives towards Finns house

"Bye, call you later! Love you"
"Love you too" he kisses me on the cheek through the open window
"Where are we going then?"
"The shopping center! I need retail therapy" I turn the radio on for a brief moment but then turn it off and start ranting
"How can she say all that to me? She's so audacious! I can't believe it!" I shout even more
"Just breath" xander says pulling the car into a car park
"I can't she makes me so cross" and I start crying
"Come on, don't cry, she's only angry because you're dad isn't there a lot so she's taking it out on you" he puts a hand on my mid thigh and squeezed it a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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